View Full Version : which polish to us with Meguiars 9000 pad on rotary?

05-25-2006, 07:45 AM
I am trying to remove swirls and will purchase, based on recommendations here, a Meguiars 9000 finishing pad.

I have used the following product and pad combos and have some rotary/halo effects that need removing:

7000 with #83

8000 with #82

I have access to 3M and Meguiars products at local stores. WHich 3M or Meguiars product should I use with the 9000 pad to remove the remaining halos and rotary trails?

Thanks in advance!

05-25-2006, 07:53 AM
You could give #9 a shot.

05-25-2006, 07:57 AM
i use the 8006 which is the 6.5 polish pad i would get that by the way you might wanna pic up some speed glaze #80.....

Solo Cali
05-25-2006, 07:59 AM
Ditto #9 would be a good choice.

05-25-2006, 08:29 AM
Maybe you could still find some 3M PI-III MG (05937). I`d rather use that than #82 or #9, not that it`s directly equivalent to the latter.

05-25-2006, 08:35 AM
use the yellow polishing pad. the final finish pad has no polishing ability

05-25-2006, 08:36 AM
Just spoke with Meguiars 800 telephone number. they the #7000 is an agressive pad. And advised I use #83 on #8000 pad then switch to #82 on #8000 pad. <always learning>

I`ll give that a try since I already have the products.

I am SO looking forward to completing the rest of the car once I figure this out.

05-25-2006, 09:20 AM
use the yellow polishing pad. the final finish pad has no polishing ability

If he was working with the PC and #9 or even #82 then I would recommend a polishing pad. He`s trying to rid the finish of the buffer trails and should use as little aggression as he can. The finishing pad works nicely on most finishes via the rotary with FPII and that`s the path of thinking I`m taking with his process. A polishing pad and any of the products mentioned isn`t likely to get him where he`s trying to go.

05-25-2006, 12:21 PM
Sorry-I missed that he was following up with a rotary

05-25-2006, 01:11 PM
you`re right. I just tried the polishing pad (8000) and #83 then the 8000 pad and #82 - this was the recommendation from the Meguiars tech support). It did get rid of most of the them but there are still some there.

I was hoping to use the pads & products I already had but it doesn`t look like that will remove them all.

Also, the #82, in particular, flashes dry after one pass with the rotary. I can not believe it is supposed to do that. I can take the pad and push a little with the buffer off and spear product still on the pad around but when I go over it with the buffer, it flashes dry again. it`s like there is plenty of product inside the pad but not on the pad suface. is that normal?

Suggestions? thanks!