View Full Version : zymol estate glaze : vintage

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05-25-2006, 05:31 AM
i`ve heard great reviews about zymol products. a lil overpriced is the word. but my question is about this one ridiculously overpriced wax. how long does 22 ounces last? http://www.zymol.com/vintage2.htm its 1852... hahahaha but unlimited refills? anybody wanna throw down? if we get 190 ppl its only 10 dollars a pop, and its unlimited~!

seriously tho, i have like 9-10 people that wax together (family so no flakiness of running away with the 2000 dollar jar of wax), and we all think if this wax is that freakin amazing, then at 100-200 a person, if we never ever ever need to by anymore wax, then it might be worth it? any thoughts?

05-25-2006, 05:36 AM
this isn`t even their most expensive. that would be alantique, for 8 ounces its 1116, and no refills, im just thinking for 22 oz, thats not that much per ounce... hahahah omg im crazy. 84 an ounce compared to 139 an ounce... wow...

the destiny is around 60 an ounce.

but seriousy, 84 an ounce, but with every refill you get money back. if you were a detailer that had a high volume of high end cars, and could charge extra for 84 an ounce wax, but in the end its refilling wouldnt you go for that?

or am i just trying to justify something that i have no right justifying.


05-25-2006, 05:39 AM
i`ve heard great reviews about zymol products. a lil overpriced is the word. but my question is about this one ridiculously overpriced wax. how long does 22 ounces last? http://www.zymol.com/vintage2.htm its 1852... hahahaha but unlimited refills? anybody wanna throw down? if we get 190 ppl its only 10 dollars a pop, and its unlimited~!

seriously tho, i have like 9-10 people that wax together (family so no flakiness of running away with the 2000 dollar jar of wax), and we all think if this wax is that freakin amazing, then at 100-200 a person, if we never ever ever need to by anymore wax, then it might be worth it? any thoughts?

It’s called Zaino and it’s so much less expensive!!! The power of the ultimate Detailer and Zymol marketing, LMAO.

05-25-2006, 06:06 AM
Have used the Vintage on my truck in a side by side comaprison to three other carnuabas. Mother`s, P21S, Pinnacle Souveran. In my tests I found it to be lacking. It did not create what I would call a 2000 dollar shine. Not worth the price. All my test showed to me was I do not want a carnuaba protecting my vehicle.

I use Zaino on my wife`s vehicle. I use a whole lot of other sealants on my truck just to keep informed. I use Poorboy`s on all my friends vehicle`s. I will not use any of those ultra expensive products on my vehicle again. I am a working man. I not only cannot afford them....they are not worth it IMHO!!

05-25-2006, 06:56 AM
i like the souveran, dont get me wrong, but i like to top my sealants with a nice carnuaba wax. i am about to try out zaino, and wanna give fmj a try, just not sure if its just a sealant, or a polish and sealant.

but no matter what, when i see a properly prepped concurs up against a well done natty blue, or even the pinnacle, (on black anyways) the metallic just seems to pop more, and theres a depth that the mothers def doesnt give.

so if the concurs is nice, im thinking the vintage has to be nice.

and if i do get this, this will be my wax for all cars. period. as in no other wax for the rest of my hopefully long detailing life. so considering i have 4-5 cars i wax reg, like once a month, im thinking mebe 1852 for an unlimited jar of outstanding stuff would pay itself off in 4-5 years. and if i do charge some ppl for some details mebe i can get some of the cost back as well?

its just... this unlimited refill thing is... so compelling...

05-25-2006, 07:04 AM
"mebe" must be maybe, right? :D

Do a Google search for `ZymÃl Royale`!

...So if the Concours is nice, the Vintage is nicer, you`ll be thinking that the Royale has to be even nicer too!

05-25-2006, 07:16 AM
If I had 9 or 10 people I could split it with then I would do it. I was willing to pay $100+ for Concours so if I could get Vintage for the same price then I would do it.

My first Zymol wax that I bought was Concours and at the time I was using Soveran. I definitely felt the Concours produced a significantly wetter, deeper shine with clearer more crisp reflections. Then I tried Vintage which I thought really kicked the shine up another notch. I never bought the $1000 jar though. I got a smaller jar in the Pebble Beach Sampler kit.

Personally, I do not recommend Zaino to anyone. It produces IMO the most plastic, artificial looking shine I`ve ever seen. It looks on some colors as if you`ve poured lacquer over the car. Don`t get me wrong, I do use sealants . . . on other people`s cars. ;)

This is the beauty and sometimes most frustrating thing about detailing . . . it`s all personal opinion. There are no objective measures. Unfortunately, a lot of people get fixated declaring one product "the best." IMHO though there is no such thing as "the best."

05-25-2006, 07:25 AM
i tried zymol its diffrent very diffrent i tried :

concourse glaze :very deep shine and nice refliction

destiny glaze : i love it ....you car become like multi color paint .....my maxima is gold i saw many kind of refliction i mean like creystal or like somthing above the paint with out loss your depth in color

carbon wax or cream wax : it normal wax like any nothing spicail.

you most use zymol hd cleaner to give the paint full gloss ...and zymol glaze to balance your paint with dramtic shine......

for me the best wax

1- destiny glaze for light color

2- nxt for black non mitalic paint only

3-concourse glaze for gold or darker car .....its good in light color but not like destiny

the best in zymol product.... the durbalitiy 5- 6 month

05-25-2006, 07:34 AM
I got the concourse glaze .... I love it. I`d pay the same for Vintage.

05-25-2006, 07:47 AM
so somehow i`ve convinced myself into mebe gettin the vintage. until.

"mebe" must be maybe, right? :D

Do a Google search for `ZymÃl Royale`!

...So if the Concours is nice, the Vintage is nicer, you`ll be thinking that the Royale has to be even nicer too!

was that really necessary? really? did you have to go and do that?

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

not cool.

on the upside. it is refilled for life.... i need a 100 ppl now...

so... umm... anybody down on a 100 person group buy for the royale?

seriously tho. the more i think about it the more it makes sense. or am i crazy? i gotta be.

how can i seriously sit here and think about a 10000 wax. its 10,000 dollars.

refilled for life tho...


05-25-2006, 08:21 AM
in other side the price is very $$$$$ expincive

some time i saide if i need exellent shine with good price i will use souvern + creystal mist or nxt + final incpiction

i now the durbaility is less than zymol but pinnacle have dramatic shine also

souvern only one you fell it save in paint not like p21 its nice but implify the scratch .

05-25-2006, 10:41 AM
I`ve seen it written in many other posts that the unlimited refill thing was unlimited but only once per year. I don`t know if that`s right or not.

05-25-2006, 12:42 PM
so somehow i`ve convinced myself into mebe gettin the vintage. until.

was that really necessary? really? did you have to go and do that?

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

not cool.

on the upside. it is refilled for life.... i need a 100 ppl now...


Don’t you just love people who think intellectual superiority is correcting peoples spelling and grammar on a “detailers forumâ€. Wait until they become real adults LMAO...................

05-25-2006, 01:00 PM

The point is maid weather the spellin is wright or wrong. .0000001%

Don’t you just love people who think intellectual superiority is correcting peoples spelling and grammar on a “detailers forumâ€. Wait until they become real adults LMAO...................

05-25-2006, 01:11 PM
nonono, i wasnt venting at the mebe/maybe. i can spell i don`t really care about that. i`m not writing a freakin paper for school or something. i was more venting @ why did he have to tell me about the royale... hahahaha . no worries.