View Full Version : Advertising Help

05-24-2006, 09:45 AM
Here is the situation; I work in the local library`s cafe...the business I work for rents the space for a very good going price. The problem is, with summer coming we are not as busy...we have not done any advertising so far other than the library`s advertisement on their website that we are now on their lower level. Im at work right now trying to brainstorm as I dont want to lose my job if it becomes so slow here so I told the boss I would try and think of some stuff.

One idea I had was to order more business cards, place them near the register and also have a large fish bowl where people can enter to win a free full detail ($180 value).

People would both be able to pick up my card and have a chance to win every month. Another thing I could do is write something like..."For every person who makes an appointment for a detail; they will recieve $20 Gift certificate for the cafe. I could just take the money for the detail and subtract 20 for this gift card...leaving me with a profit of around $140 after cost of supplies.

Does this idea sound good...or any other ideas?

If this idea does take off I could take the hours I have now at the cafe and reserve those for detailing the vehicles we have sign up...resulting in the owners giving more hours to the employees who make less hourly ($2.50 less than me) giving them more of a profit also.

05-24-2006, 09:59 AM
What`s the biz within the cafe?

05-24-2006, 10:03 AM
What`s the biz within the cafe?

^ Not sure I understand...The cafe is owned by 2 brothers who also run a banquet center and meat processing...at the cafe we sell sandwhiches, soup, beverages, snacks etc..our most popular is the Pork and Beef BBQ the business is known for. City hall and library employees frequently come down to eat...but we need to get more people who visit the library to come down and grab something to eat or drink also

05-24-2006, 10:04 AM
Customer Loyalty (rewards) program if you don`t have one.

They work. If they didn`t, Coke, all the airlines, car rental companies -well name any large b2c company, wouldn`t do them. I don`t know that I would try to tie in detailing except maybe in the end. Maybe a chance to enter a drawing for a free detail at the end of filling your card?