View Full Version : Best cure for Back Strain?

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Five Star
05-23-2006, 11:47 PM
well strained the heck out of my back the other day.

Got some muscle relaxers from the doc and been chewing Ibuprofen like Tic-Tacs.

He wants me to go to PT, but that would mean rebooking all my appts for a few weeks.

Give me your best remedies so i don`t go broke


05-24-2006, 03:39 AM
I have strained my back a few times..in fact my back is killing me now...I went to PT a number of times..It was ok...but they gave me back exercises to do ...they helped..and walking does the best..I was told not to just lay around...I use heat and then Ice to the area and that helps also...I went to a accupressure center on Boston Road in Springfield and it was good..it really helped...it is tuff when the back goes out..it can get better in a week or 3 weeks or more..never know...

But try the walking and heat and ice ..and the accupressure...or maybe even a chiropracter ..I heard the chiropractor can help if back is not badly injured like a disk herniation..but try walking at first...


05-24-2006, 05:21 AM
STRETCH - as a daily ritual. If you don`t stretch routinely, you`ll wish you had; especially as you get a bit older.

I have one of those exercise balls that I use, daily, to stretch out my back with and it`s PRICELESS.

Good luck and find a good chiropractor.

05-24-2006, 11:52 AM
In addition to what the others have said, when you get better start working on your abdominal muscles. A strong front helps support the back.

05-25-2006, 05:34 AM
In addition to what the others have said, when you get better start working on your abdominal muscles. A strong front helps support the back.

How true, making love helps builds up the abdominal muscles :secret

05-25-2006, 10:45 AM
From the time I was a young teenager until I was in my mid 20s, I had back aches constantly. I would pull a muscle just by thinking about it. Then as a joke one day, I asked my then girlfriend to walk on my back (she was rather petit). I really didn`t expect any results but I was hurting and thought just maybe, she might kill me ( and it would have been a blessing).

Now, I won`t lie and tell you I haven`t pulled any muscles since then. I have but only maybe 4 or 5 times (and I`m in my 50s now).

I do believe that accidently she got something back in joint the way it was suppose to be.

05-25-2006, 10:56 AM
Speaking from recent experience I wouldn`t recommend a spinal fusion. It hasn`t been any fun.

05-25-2006, 11:30 AM
I`ve had sciatica (pinched nerve in back) for the past 8 or 9 months, but can`t talk my doctor into giving me anything for it. He said that if Aleve wasn`t helping, that the stuff he`d prescribe probably wouldn`t work much better.

I asked him about Yoga and/or accupuncture.

He said he`d heard that Yoga actually helps.

may be worth a shot... supposedly good for bloodpressure too.

05-25-2006, 11:45 AM
I`ve had sciatica (pinched nerve in back) for the past 8 or 9 months, but can`t talk my doctor into giving me anything for it.

If you`ve had significant back pain for 8 or 9 months and your doctor won`t prescribe medication that could help you, you`ve got the wrong doctor. There are all kinds of anti-inflammatories and pain medications (not necessarily narcotics) that may provide you some relief. Doctors don`t know which ones might work for you unless you try them. If he`s not perscribing some of these for you to try, he`s not helping you. That`s what a doctor is supposed to do, help you. Time to start looking for a different doctor, a spine specialist may be what you need.

I`m sure our symptoms and the problems that caused them are different but Acupuncture didn`t do a thing for my back problems. I tried it 6 or 7 times, it`s kind of like chiropractic you`re supposed to do it several times to see results.

05-25-2006, 03:53 PM
As a physician, I would recommend you try Aleve. It is very similar to Ibuprofen but can be taken twice daily. Once in the morning and once at night. You can begin with a loading dose of three pills but, after that, no more than 2 at a time.

Your doctor can also prescribe a drug called Flexaril. There are mixed reviews on it. Some physicians like it and some don`t. I recommend it occasionally.

Heat sound great as does stretching, however stretching is not a good idea for acute muscle strain. You need to allow the inflammation to dissipate before reaggravating the muscle with more strain (stretching). With that said, begin stretching in a week or two.

I do not generally recommend chiropractors. I`m an Osteopath so I can perform my own manipulation and, for muscle strain, high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) manupulation is contraindicated, especially in the acute setting. BTW, HVLA is all chiropractors do... 99% of the time.


Five Star
05-25-2006, 04:21 PM
I picked up some Naproxen (Aleve) the doc said I could substitute the Ibuprofen for it. Asked and took the dosage u recommended

Got a few heat patches, and am not stretching, just trying to move around a little less than normal.

Having a better day today.. Thanks for the tips

As a physician, I would recommend you try Aleve. It is very similar to Ibuprofen but can be taken twice daily. Once in the morning and once at night. You can begin with a loading dose of three pills but, after that, no more than 2 at a time.

Your doctor can also prescribe a drug called Flexaril. There are mixed reviews on it. Some physicians like it and some don`t. I recommend it occasionally.

Heat sound great as does stretching, however stretching is not a good idea for acute muscle strain. You need to allow the inflammation to dissipate before reaggravating the muscle with more strain (stretching). With that said, begin stretching in a week or two.

I do not generally recommend chiropractors. I`m an Osteopath so I can perform my own manipulation and, for muscle strain, high velocity low amplitude (HVLA) manupulation is contraindicated, especially in the acute setting. BTW, HVLA is all chiropractors do... 99% of the time.


05-25-2006, 04:41 PM
Whenever I hurt my back (pinch nerve) I just try to lay completely flat for awhile everyday until it goes away usually within 3-5 days. Also take some Vitamin I.

05-25-2006, 06:15 PM
to qualify myself, I crushed my L4 disc at the ripe old age of 25, which would be 21 years ago now. that same year I nearly ripped out [both ends of] the hamstring in my right leg in a water skiing accident. and I`m a cyclist and am broken as the result of two major road bike and all too numerous mtn bike crashes.

I`ve gone through pt not only for back pain but for a variety of conditions and situations to include open rotator cuff surgery (worst possible scenario) and would insist on this. period. I`ve also gone the chiro route (crushed disc) and would advise you it`s important to know when to stop. in my case it started causing more pain than not. for the record, I did the spinal injury drug-free and would never recommend it or do it again.

thing is, when you have an actual injury, it`s time for real medicine. I`ve tried flexaril and a fairly large variety of muscle relaxers and pain killers and that`s not a path I follow. I`m simply not able to function with those drugs. on the other hand, they serve their purpose when the pain is unbearable. I don`t care for aleve (sodium anaprox), but I highly recommend taking the least number of doses of any pain reliever, which by the way is a huge selling point for aleve. I go for anti-inflammatories myself, so if you`re looking for otc I`d suggest motrin. keep in mind I have my own specific issues, which aren`t just back pain. for non-otc, celebrex is my savior. I take it at night to avoid associated side effects, and it`s effectiveness continues for at least twenty-four hours.

but I don`t like to take drugs, so I totally agree with the ab theory. when I was still cycling like a madman, I progressed to 1k crunches every day. I do fewer now, but it`s the one thing I can do to avoid recurring back `episodes`, by which I mean debilitating pain. ab work isn`t anyone`s favorite as it always hurts when you do it right, but the result has served me well. I once heard that anyone with washboard abs goes through something painful every time they work out, and it`s the truth. in my case, however, it`s not just aesthetic. it`s necessity.

that said, mister john styrnol`s regular sunday beer postings may help. alcohol works as a pain reliever. I just had a couple of blue moons and I`m feeling pretty darned good.

05-25-2006, 07:23 PM
that said, mister john styrnol`s regular sunday beer postings may help. alcohol works as a pain reliever. I just had a couple of blue moons and I`m feeling pretty darned good.

That`s good to hear, LOL Might have to start doing that again.

05-25-2006, 10:55 PM
Work your core like mad. Pick up a book called core performance by mark verstageen and do the exercises prescribed in there as well as the equipment.

Also consider picking up an inversion table and using it daily. It will tremendously help take pressure off the discs and keep them from drying out(decompression). You can also hang from a chin up bar as well daily to help with this after your workout or just for the hell of it!!!!!!!!