View Full Version : rotary technique? recommendaitons for links and article?

05-20-2006, 03:47 PM
Just got a Chicago Tools rotary buffer. For the price it`s a great deal. I tried several Vectors but the shaft on all of them caused it to wobble up and down.

I have Mequiers 8" pads, #83, #82.

I tried on a dark Honda prelude. it looked good right after but in full sun the next day, I see a few swirls.

I watched the Meguiers video (http://www.guidetodetailing.com/articles.php?articleId=31) and it looks easy but I apparently did not do it right.

Any articles, links or tips that explain in detail the technique used for rotary buffer are much appreciated!

EDIT: they have apparently removed the video - it was a good one.