View Full Version : engine bay cleaning....processes?

Envious Eric
05-19-2006, 04:50 PM
with not pressure washer, am i basically stuck to by hand, using a foam gun with some Safe D-greaser in it, letting it sit, agitate the bigger spots, brushing the rest real quick, hosing off, then dressing the rubber hoses and what not???

or is there a better method?

also, if you are doing a full detail, is the engine included, for me right now its not, but I am trying to see if most do>

05-19-2006, 05:37 PM
Even if I had a pressure washer, I don`t know if I`d use it on an engine bay anyways. Just get it wet, spray it with straight degreaser, let it sit a few minutes at least, and rinse it off really well. Some of the areas will need to be brushed to get them right, and you might need to polish some metal as well. I use my shopvac`s blower to dry most of the water off and then use a towel to finish it off.

05-19-2006, 05:41 PM
Even if I had a pressure washer, I don`t know if I`d use it on an engine bay anyways. Just get it wet, spray it with straight degreaser, let it sit a few minutes at least, and rinse it off really well. Some of the areas will need to be brushed to get them right, and you might need to polish some metal as well. I use my shopvac`s blower to dry most of the water off and then use a towel to finish it off.Excellent suggestion.

05-19-2006, 09:19 PM
I like to spray it with straight degreaser, brush it in, then soak it down with the foamgun and then spray off with water from the hose. Then I spray it liberally with Mother`s Reflections Tire Care (personal fave) dressing, then let the car run for 10-15 minutes to dry everything off. If the car`s really bad, I`ll AIO all the metal.





05-20-2006, 11:10 AM

Just get a foaming spray nozzle to use on your bottle of Safe D-Greaser. Thats what I use.

I imagine that using a foam gun for degreaser and soap could be a problem. There could always be the issue of some of the degreaser sticking around inside the bottle of the foam gun and if you spray it on a vehicle it could cause the wax to prematurely detoriorate. Just speculation, of course, but I`ve had good luck with the foaming nozzle on a bottle.

Oh yeah, my method is Safe D-Greaser or Super Degreaser, depending on how dirty it is, sprayed generously across the engine bay. Then let it set for a couple minutes. I`ll agitate those parts that are really bad. Then spray off with a pressure washer. Spray out the water with compressed air and dress with Hyper Dressing. I`ve never had any issues doing this on any of my cars. I will NOT do other people`s motors, though. Just too big of a risk.

05-20-2006, 11:55 AM
As far as covering electrical connections and components what do yall use? I have used aluminum foil to try and cover the electrical components.