View Full Version : 845IW over AIO -or- 845IW over glaze ??

05-18-2006, 11:03 PM
i have a white car that needs to be parked outside so i need something durable (willing to re-wax once a month) so i was just wondering what you guys think would be the better base for 845IW: AIO or meg`s glaze.

the glaze looks great by itself but loses its look very quickly. im imagining that the glaze (rather than AIO) would give the sterile white a little bit more warmth and depth, but am wondering if it would compromise the 845`s durability too much.

opinions/comments/thoughtless ramblings both welcome and greatly appriciated!


05-19-2006, 05:33 AM
the ideal way would be aio, glaze , 845

i emailed collinite and they said 845 is fine over a glaze...they suggested 3m hand glaze!

05-19-2006, 10:21 AM
845 over Megs#9 is a good combo- the #9 has great filling ability

05-19-2006, 10:32 AM
i was under the impression that a glaze couldn`t be used over a sealant, but if glaze over AIO is fine then that`s definitely the route i`m going! :)

05-19-2006, 11:51 AM
as far as im aware glaze should go over aio okay...i plan to do so soon