View Full Version : Slightly unusual - detailing a two-packed arcade cabinet

05-17-2006, 04:43 PM
Hallo all,

Sorry this is a little OT - I figure it`s a car paint finish, and I had *no* idea where else to ask ;-)

I`ve got a home-made arcade cabinet here, which is made of MDF with a two pack paint finish. It`s a metallic purple and silver. From memory, there was a metallic `sparkle` additive in the clearcoat.

All indoor use, but it`s not been cleaned since it was made, about 2 years ago now.

I wanted to hit it with a paint cleaner, then sealant, but I`m a little unsure about how to wash off the grime / dust etc. I`m obviously not going to take a hose to it ;-)

What would you guys suggest to take the place of a good wash for my trusty ol` cabinet?

Many thanks in advance ;-)

