View Full Version : Cleaning my car wash towels

03-07-2005, 09:39 PM
I have seperate towels and pads i use only for cleaning my vehicles what soap do i use to wash them in the washing machine sind regular clothing detergent is not recommended?

03-07-2005, 10:17 PM
You`ll probably get a wide variety of responses here. For smaller loads & PC pads I use Charlie`s Soap. For larger microfiber loads (after a full detail for example) I use Pinnacle MicroRejuvenator. I tried Sonus which was pretty good too and Woolite which was a disappointment. All Free & Clear isn`t too bad and the Method free & clear also works pretty well but the two that work best for ME are Pinnacle & then Charlies.

You should not use any fabric softener with your microfibers. I actually will rinse my machine before doing a mf load and some people will clean the wash tub with an APC.

03-07-2005, 10:18 PM
I wash mine on the gentle cycle with tide and run the extra rinse cycle then air dry them. Havent had a problem yet. What kind of pads are you talking about? Wash mitts I just rinse all the grit,debris out and rinse them out real well and shake out most of the water and air dry.

03-07-2005, 10:23 PM
I have seperate towels and pads i use only for cleaning my vehicles what soap do i use to wash them in the washing machine sind regular clothing detergent is not recommended?Not using laundry detergent is a new one to me. I wash my cotton terry towels and my MF towels in whatever laundry detergent my wife has on hand and haven`t noticed any problems. I have even been known to wash the terry towels and the MF towels in the same load with no problems with the MF`s picking up lint. Yeah, I know everyone says you shouldn`t do it, but sometimes I do and it hasn`t been a problem.


John U
03-09-2005, 12:45 AM
To add some softness back into your towels or microfibers add some distilled white vingar to the rinse cycle. It takes the hardness out of the water. I buy it for less then $2.00 a gallon at the grocery store.


03-09-2005, 01:58 AM
Unscented laundry detergent on a warm/warm cycle with about 2-3oz of distilled white vingear added to the water. I have no complaints from this method.

03-09-2005, 07:45 AM
I use Dreft. It is recommended you use a liquid detergent so no undissolved soap powder stays in the towel. I also do a second rinse with white vinegar.

03-09-2005, 07:57 AM
I use a combination of powdered cheer and a double strength shot of Oxy Clean. I make sure the powder is disolved before adding the towels. The towels come out plush and clean, no ill effects so far.

BTW, works good on my Pakshak towels and really added life to those Eurow towels from Costco.

03-09-2005, 09:15 AM
Who told you not to use laundry detergent? THis isn`t rocket science guys... liquid detergent (without additives), regular cycle, HOT water, no bleach or softeners. Optionally add one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar to the rinse water to break down any remaining detergent. Dryer: hot for natural fibers, low heat for man mades like polyester.

Also, be sure not to use too much detergent, half a measuring cup per load is more than enough.

03-09-2005, 09:25 AM
I use 2 oz of Oxy cleaner and mixed with Costco MPC on a 5 gallon bucket, I let it soak for like 15-30min. It work like a charm :bass