View Full Version : Had to vent- terrible class!

05-17-2006, 04:51 AM
I`m in my final quarter of undergraduate studies and I have a new economics professor at my college. Economics is my minor and I`ve gotten well over a B average in all my econ classes over the past four years.

This new professor is teaching everything counter to what I have learned from eight other professors. On the first day of class he stated that instead of teaching us the listed course of institutional economics, he is going to teach us "critical analysis of capitalism and Marxist theory." The entire quarter he has bashed capitalism and praised Marx as being the “better” theory for the economy.

I have tried to fall into his B.S. agenda to simply get a passing grade. This is the first time I`ve ever in my life come in danger of failing a class. I have attended each class and participated in "discussion" (getting bashed by this professor). He states he encourages discussion but attempts to confront and embarrass everyone who gives their opinions or discusses the readings in class. He openly admitted he doesn’t even know what institutional economics is, as well as bashes the economics department when the class room does not answer certain questions he asks.

43.3% of the class has dropped out, and I would except I already ordered the graduation invitations. If I do not get a D in this class I have to go back in June and July for another econ class (only ONE offered that I have not taken previously). Also, he is requiring the majority of the reading material to be based of his own UNPUBLISHED Ph.D. dissertation that he JUST FINISHED at the end of last year. Much of the sources he cited in his dissertation are the supplementary readings that we are required to read as well.

I’ve heard that he has been canned from a previous university by the faculty for the exact same reason I and the rest of the class is having trouble with him. I E-mailed the class telling them who to contact (the current acting chair of the department since the actual chair retired a few weeks ago) if they have problems with this professor.

I guess I just need to vent since I think it is unfair that his opinions of our system bear more weight than my attempt to write scholarly material and participate in class. I’ve been hesitant to even mail out the June 10th invitations because of what has been going on. Sorry to vent, but this has become my worst nightmare!

05-17-2006, 06:09 AM
Seems as though I am not the only student going through this problem. :) In one of my math classes I took the professor would shoot down any question asked and make you feel like an idiot. I went to the head of the department, explained the situation and asked how 15 out of 20 students could be failing this class? They looked into the situation and 11 out of the 20 students decided to drop the class to save their GPA and not fail the class, usually if you withdraw from a class you have to pay a fee, fortunately for me the bill never came...it appears as though the University realized that the problem was not with the students but the professor...I`ll be re-taking the class next semester...with a new professor or via a online course.

--We all need to vent sometimes...there are so many people in the world that will stress us out...My grandpa always says..It takes all kinds of people to make the world go round :) Hope everything works out for you, Im sure it will!

05-17-2006, 08:09 AM
It has me literally sick because I have been so upset the past few weeks. I sent another email to the acting chair just a few minutes ago requesting an appointment to speak with him. :sadpace:

05-17-2006, 04:54 PM
On the first day of class he stated that instead of teaching us the listed course of institutional economics, he is going to teach us "critical analysis of capitalism and Marxist theory." The entire quarter he has bashed capitalism and praised Marx as being the “better” theory for the economy.

I too suffered the same intellectual drivel spewed by the marginalized Left as a history major when I attended college. I`m sorry you`re experiencing this and wish I could help participate! Hopefully you can encourage your classmates to speak up to somehow change this. I would approach the department head and explain what you signed up for and what you have been taught by sighting the texts, syllabus, etc... as well as the professor`s own commentary about his lack of knowledge on the intended course. Mention having to read his crappy, unpublished dissertation BS that would serve better as toilet paper than something of merit. Ask if this is an acceptable scholarly method to teaching at the university. Ask if this bait and switch routine is standard practice, and if not, what can be done to remedy it. Mention the dropout rate. Mention his dismissal from another university for the same reason. Explain your grade situation and how it affects your graduation prospects and final cumulative GPA. The best thing to do is slam dunk him with a sound, effective argument, hopefully with the support of your classmates.

The good thing about college (supposedly, but never the case with Lefty professors) is that you are not a captivated audience like in high school. By now, you have the intellectual capacity to debate coherently about the subject matter at hand with the professor.

Time for me to vent!

The first thing I would ask him is where has this theory he loves so much been put into use and been successful? Name one current economic, political and socially successful country that has benefited by the true Marxist economic theory. Then ask if those countries have free elections, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, the right to dissent and a passable human rights record.

I would ask him why the Soviet Union collapsed and why Communist China has implemented a capitalist economic structure moving away from the ideological points of the "Cultural Revolution."

Ask him if he wished to live in any of these Marxist practicing countries, and what would happen to him if he taught in an academic setting a "critical analaysis" of the Marxist economic policies of the government?

I know none of my rantings will help. The one thing I wouldn`t do (and it is easy for me to say it to you) is surrender my principals to pass the class. I wish you good luck! I`ll be curious to see how you make out.

05-17-2006, 05:10 PM
WSU, I truly feel your pain. It`s idiots like him that ruin it for decent professors.

05-18-2006, 01:08 AM
ugh, reminds me of a teacher I had in college.

What school do you go to?

05-18-2006, 05:14 AM
Paul- PM sent.

This professor on the first day bragged that he is highly qualified since he`s taught at NYU, Vassar, Columbia, Miami (OH), and Xavier. He`s probably been shuffled around so much because he`s terrible. I`ve never been as upset as I am now! :wall

My father told me to not worry about it. He said we can have a small group of people come over and still celebrate when I do finish (likely in July), and we can use the fancy invitations as coasters. :chuckle: I won`t get to march until November though, and by then I`ll be in a police academy so I guess I won`t march. :(

Still, it really spoils four long hard years of work so late in the ball game. I`ve been going year round to get my degree completed since I`ve been in college. I haven`t had a vacation- out of state or in state- since my sop````re year of high school. I worked two jobs my first three years of college, saved enough money to not work and focus the last half of my senior year strictly on academics. I left my jobs to make sure I finished in good academic standing. I`ve made the dean`s list 5 times. I know in a few months I`ll look back on this regardless of the outcome and feel better, but right now all that I can do is not let myself go insane!

05-21-2006, 06:20 AM
If you`re having trouble contacting the acting department head or they`re not willing to do anything (if they`re just keeping the DH head chair warm, that`s a definite possibility), contact the dean of the college that you`re department is in. I`m presuming your school is set up the same way as mine was, with departments divided into different colleges throughout the university. Whatever it takes, find out how to go over the DH and be willing to do exactly that.

05-21-2006, 06:47 AM
Paul- PM sent.

This professor on the first day bragged that he is highly qualified since he`s taught at NYU, Vassar, Columbia, Miami (OH), and Xavier. He`s probably been shuffled around so much because he`s terrible. I`ve never been as upset as I am now! :wall

Ask him how much he has published, that should shut him up fairly quickly. It is not hard for him to do his superior dance in front of students. The real test is when you publish articles and books that will be judged by your peers in the field. Ask him where you can find some of his written works other than his dissertation...

Hard to say if all that shuffling is good or bad. My father was a nationaly known economist and published many articles and helped author many books, including text books in economics before he passed away. We moved quite a bit, some to further his education and other times to work with different departments, programs or people that he had wanted to work with. Before he passed away he was about to become the head of what would have been the Law and Economics center at Clemson University here in SC.

I feel for your situation as it sounds like your professor is a crackpot.

05-21-2006, 08:07 AM
This new professor is teaching everything counter to what I have learned from eight other professors. On the first day of class he stated that instead of teaching us the listed course of institutional economics, he is going to teach us "critical analysis of capitalism and Marxist theory." The entire quarter he has bashed capitalism and praised Marx as being the “better” theory for the economy.


Marxism is a better theory it just doesn`t work in practice. Capitalism, while a great system, does have its flaws. I mean is it really fair a sports star earns millions in a year while a farmer who grows the food we eat to live doesn`t do as well. Who could we do without and still live? It`s a theory class not a guide for practicing economics. It encourages you to think and take different views from what you believe in order to analytically look at a problem. Most problems are solved by looking at something differently from what you believe to be true. Take what he has to say, learn the theory, quit worrying about your GPA, and graduate.

05-22-2006, 05:02 AM
Capitalism, while a great system, does have its flaws.


I mean is it really fair a sports star earns millions in a year while a farmer who grows the food we eat to live doesn`t do as well.

When you become willing to buy a $55 ticket to watch the farmer plant his corn, buy a jersey with your favorite farmer`s name written on the back of it, and find a farmer who has an ability to perform a task that 99% of the rest of the population can not physically perform, then we`ll talk about why he makes what he does.

It`s a theory class not a guide for practicing economics. It encourages you to think and take different views from what you believe in order to analytically look at a problem. Most problems are solved by looking at something differently from what you believe to be true.

Fair enough- except the class was NOT listed as a theory class but rather institutional economics. He had to sucker those of us who are required to take the class for majors/minors under the course listing in order to push his agenda. I have no problem looking at issues from multiple perspectives, I find that there is often no one "right" answer in many situations.

Take what he has to say, learn the theory, quit worrying about your GPA, and graduate.

Everything he has to say I take as unpublished garbage. If he has to get his opinions out in this manner, it tells me that something is amiss. I`d have no problem with the material if it were an economic theory class!

I`ll remember it long enough to learn, pass the class, and graduate. So far two of us have called and complained, one is supposed to this week, and two or three more are to send out complaints via E-mail.

05-22-2006, 05:37 AM
Not often I get to toot my father`s horn in normal conversation but, if you want to read up on a great economist do a google search on the terms "staaf economics". You will find many references to articles and other publications my father has worked on. I have a lot of fond memories of my father and the people he worked with and was good friends with over the years while I was growing up. They used to get together to talk economics in our basement in Blacksburg, VA while having a beer and playing foozball.

Sorry for rambling, this thread just kind of got me thinking about my dad and I haven`t really done that in a while :(
