View Full Version : Looking for work

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03-07-2005, 09:14 PM
Hello all...I recently moved to Socal from NY. If anyone knows of any automotive industry related jobs (non tech requirement) please let me know. Thanks guys.

03-07-2005, 09:31 PM
What town in So.Cal?

03-07-2005, 09:38 PM
Pasadena...im willing to drive though.

03-07-2005, 10:06 PM
Hey perhaps we can partner up :D. My wife and I are expecting our first born, and I could really use a job right now (Long story but I was handling my grandfathers estate - ended up getting backstabbed by family too... over money :( )!!!

Living in Burbank now, but looking to relocate closer to the 405, this side of the 101.

Superior Shine
03-07-2005, 10:36 PM
We are a mobile auto detailing business that serves from Pasadena to Upland.

We will be hiring as soon as our new workers comp application goes through. It could be as soon as last week in March.

I am looking for hard working, reliable, non-smoker that can easily follow directions. There is an employees manual that must be strictly adhered. No experience preferred we will train you.

Please e-mail me to set up an interview if interested.

Joe- Superior Shine Detailing

03-07-2005, 10:59 PM
thanks Joe...im def interested. I sent you an email.

Superior Shine
03-07-2005, 11:51 PM
Good talking to you. Hope to see you Thurs.

Superior Shine
03-08-2005, 10:41 PM
ndnguy, did you get my e-mail??

03-09-2005, 02:53 PM
ndnguy, did you get my e-mail??

Just got it (away at the inlaws), incoming phone call joe :)

Edit: Good talking to you!

03-09-2005, 05:52 PM
Wow, pretty ez to look for job here at DC :rockin

Coastal Eddie
03-11-2005, 08:02 PM
Hello all...I recently moved to Socal from NY. If anyone knows of any automotive industry related jobs (non tech requirement) please let me know. Thanks guys.

Soooooo how`d you do CD? Get a job :wha

03-13-2005, 10:00 PM
I need help in Indy...


03-13-2005, 11:43 PM
Hi, I`m not looking for a job, i just read your post and was wondering? I`m not busting your tail or anything.. Please understand that first. Why NON smokers? Are you some kind of holy roller? This to me is an insult. Next your going to give out some bogus excuse about your insurance policy is the reason. I`m sorry if i hurt anyone`s feeling`s, but we all have bad habits and smoking is one of them. I`am a smoker and hate it when the so called NON SMOKERS make it a point to bust on smokers. I dont go after the people that are flogging sheep... Just asking..
We are a mobile auto detailing business that serves from Pasadena to Upland.

We will be hiring as soon as our new workers comp application goes through. It could be as soon as last week in March.

I am looking for hard working, reliable, non-smoker that can easily follow directions. There is an employees manual that must be strictly adhered. No experience preferred we will train you.

Please e-mail me to set up an interview if interested.

Joe- Superior Shine Detailing

03-14-2005, 12:15 AM
I have to chime in on this: "youre insulted"...please...now you sound like a holy roller. If the boss of a company decides he doesnt want to work with someone that: 1. may stink like smoke 2. will need smoke breaks 3. could hinder his business...its up to him. I am a non-smoker and hate it when smokers say that their rights are being violated or they are being discriminated against. Its rude to think someone doesnt mind inhaling that toxic fix of yours. Why would even go through the trouble of posting your message if youre not try to bust his balls.

Superior Shine
03-14-2005, 02:18 AM

I have had smokers work with me in the past (my father and brother who I love dearly are smokers. My Mother quit 8 years ago after smoking for 35+ years) and many of those employees were excellent detailers, but .......

1. smokers smell bad
2. smokers leave their bad smell in places they have been
3. smokers need their frequent smoke breaks, not fair to non-smokers
4. I have found when they don`t get their smoke breaks performance goes south.
5. I am in the business of CLEAN, smoking with the smell and the ash and all doesnt look good.
6. my clients perfer I don`t bring smokers. It has always been a hassle in the past-"could you please move over there and smoke" or "he isn`t going to do my interior I hope"
7. I don`t want to see or smell it
8. out of over 200 regular clients NONE ARE SMOKERS
9. ---- well I could go on and on, but why?

What if I farted all the time? Around you , in your car, my clothes smelled like it? While you ate? How would you like that? At least my gas won`t give you cancer and/or the other associated health problems.