View Full Version : Ahhhh My Wheels!!

05-13-2006, 10:24 AM
Today I am washing my car, despite the crappy weather. I get to my drivers side front wheel and notice this: Marring all over my nice new wheel.





So far, it is only on my drivers side front, but it is not good. These things cost $700 a pop at the Bimmer dealership so this is really freaking me out, even though I know darn well I`m extremely anal. Is there any product I can use to get this out. The lip is not polished, I believe it`s clearcoated aluminum. AHHH MY WHEEL! :grrr :grrr :soscared: :bawling:

Any hope??


Setec Astronomy
05-13-2006, 10:28 AM
That looks like some scuffing from a tire or wheel brush. If it is clearcoated, some polish should take it out, but you`ll probably have to work by hand (get ready for sore fingers).

05-13-2006, 11:06 AM
Yeah i did that wheel first with a crappy brush, hosed it off and then noticed they were there, I switched brushes and thankfully i just went out and examined each one and there aren`t any more on any wheel.

So polish could take these out? Awesome I was planning on staying up late tonight anyway. :LOLOL :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


05-13-2006, 12:01 PM
Might have to touch it with some 3000grit paper, then buff it back up.

Of course, try to just polish it out first.

Almost look like a little dog sat there and tried to jump.

Good luck.

Setec Astronomy
05-13-2006, 02:37 PM
Actually the way that lip looks you might be able to get it with the PC.