View Full Version : Windex On Windshield!!

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05-11-2006, 06:04 PM
I was at a red light yesterday and a bum starts cleaning my windshield with WINDEX and a used paper towel!

He didn`t even ask me if I wanted it to be cleaned, which was pretty rude.

Not to mention, I had my windows down and he sprayed my side mirror, which splashed window cleaner on my face as well.

I drove off and didn`t give him anything.

imported_Detailing Technology
05-11-2006, 06:13 PM
Sounds like you need Rudy Giuliani.

05-11-2006, 06:53 PM
Heh, in downtown Toronto this is almost a pastime - you`re lucky if you get windex, usually the liquid they use is yellow... Every intersection on a N/S street from the Gardiner to Bloor is staked out by homeless guys `n` gals cleaning windows for change at red lights. Back in the mid-90`s when the topless law went into effect it was quite the sight for a couple weeks in the city - topless bums cleaning car windows.

Anyway, that`s all I can really say about that. :)

05-11-2006, 07:13 PM
Windex isn`t the enemy here, it`s the homeless. I`d be happy to get my windshield cleaned with windex instead of wee. :(

Setec Astronomy
05-11-2006, 07:16 PM
Wow, in Austin and elsewhere? I thought it was just NYC...those days were terrible.

05-12-2006, 04:25 AM
He used a real window cleaner, and he didn`t kick in the side of your car as you drove off? You`re lucky! Around here, they use a muddy rag to "clean" your windshield, and if you don`t pay, they bust your car up.

05-12-2006, 05:45 AM
I was at a red light yesterday and a bum starts cleaning my windshield with WINDEX and a used paper towel!

He didn`t even ask me if I wanted it to be cleaned, which was pretty rude.

Not to mention, I had my windows down and he sprayed my side mirror, which splashed window cleaner on my face as well.

I drove off and didn`t give him anything.

He might not have been a real bum. When I was living in Austin several years ago I was leaving Highland Mall and watched a guy park his very nice Mercedes in the Mall lot, open his trunk and pull out a cardboard sign that said “Homeless, No Car, Disabled Nam Vet, God Bless†and proceeds to stand on the corner begging for money. Later that day I had a friend of mine with the Austin Police run his license plate and as it turns out he lived in Westlake Hills (a very nice area of Austin).

Another bum story I have was when I was stationed at Ft. Hood in the Army. My unit was coming out of the field after a month of sleeping on the ground or in tents. I pulled up to a stop light off post and there is a guy with a sign that says “Will work for foodâ€. I figured I’d help the guy out so I gave him 3 MRE’s (Meal Ready to Eat for you none military types). He just looked at me with this real blank stare and says “Gee.. Thanksâ€), by his comment I could tell he really wanted money for beer and cigarettes.

05-12-2006, 05:59 AM
When I lived in Sacto, CA a girl came up to me in the gas station and asked for money to get something to eat. I took her to Burger King instead, got her something to eat and left her there.

Setec Astronomy
05-12-2006, 06:04 AM
When I lived in Sacto, CA a girl came up to me in the gas station and asked for money to get something to eat. I took her to Burger King instead, got her something to eat and left her there.

Was that because you feared that she would take the money and do something else with it?

05-12-2006, 07:31 AM
Was that because you feared that she would take the money and do something else with it?

Yep, she needed food, that`s what I got her.

05-12-2006, 07:53 AM
Bravo! Helped someone in need out and didnt get scammed in the process! Im all for helping people who are truely in need, but people who would rather beg than work irk me. If they really are homeless and hungry they deserve help, if its some yahoo that needs beer money, forget that.

05-12-2006, 10:42 AM
Yep, she needed food, that`s what I got her.

Yeah if they ask for food and I`m heading to fast food then I`ll buy them something to eat, but I won`t give them money. You don`t know if they`re going to use the money on drugs or whatnot.

A guy asked me for money for coffee on a cold day at mcdonalds and I bought him a cup of coffee. He looked mad b/c I didn`t give him the $ and just walked away with the cup of coffee without saying thank you.

05-12-2006, 12:01 PM
In Worcester, MA, there was an article in the paper about the homeless, one lady who drives her lexus to the corner where she begs for money.

05-12-2006, 12:41 PM
Oh how do I love panhandlers. I was washing my car at a car wash(pre-autopia days) when a bum approached me. He asked me for a few bucks to get something to eat. I told him to hang loose and I would take him across the street to Subway and buy him a meal. Needless to say he mumbled that I should just give him the money. So I told him to get lost.


05-12-2006, 12:43 PM
Wow, call me naive, but I can`t believe some of the stories in this thread. Wiping your windows with a muddy rag and messing up your car when you don`t pay??!! That makes it really difficult to have sympathy for the homeless. Sad state of affairs.