View Full Version : artillery fungus

05-10-2006, 11:09 AM
hi, i think ive got something called artillery fungus on my cars paint and glass. its like tree sap, but a week after a wash and wax, it comes back. does anyone know of a cure? kind regards, joe

05-10-2006, 12:04 PM
Anything that is decently acidic or basic will kill it, which is fine for the glass as long as you don`t let the stuff dwell. I WOULD NOT recommend putting anything acidic or basic on the paint. You may want to try claying it and seeing if that helps, but at the same point that could just spread it out more. Sorry I couldn`t be more helpful.

05-10-2006, 12:28 PM
Use a vinegar and dawn diluted wash, or the FK decontamination kit works really well too.

A touch of Simple Green in your normal car wash may work as well. I washed our car trailer with that and it has really kept the fungus from coming back on it.

Good luck.

05-10-2006, 12:29 PM
Use FK1 Decontamination Kit. Their Step #2 will kill and remove that.

05-10-2006, 12:38 PM

05-11-2006, 03:25 PM
Find the source. This stuff is a nightmare! it will eventually cover everything around it in black spores. Check the mulch around your car for it. If you find any get rid of as much of the mulch as you can.

Here`s what I found after a quick search,

Artillery Fungus

Common name: artillery fungus, cannon fungus, shotgun fungus

Scientific name: species of Sphaerobolus

What do artillery fungi look like?

They resemble a tiny cream or orange-brown cup with one black egg. The cup is approximately 1/10 of an inch in diameter. Areas of mulch with the artillery fungus may appear matted and lighter in color than the surrounding mulch.

Are they a problem?

They may be a problem. The fruiting body of the artillery fungus orients itself toward bright surfaces, such as light-colored houses or parked automobiles. The artillery fungus "shoots" its black, sticky spore mass, the "egg," which can be windblown as high as the second story of a house. The spore mass sticks to the side of a building or automobile, resembling a small speck of tar. You may also find them on the undersides of leaves on plants growing in mulched areas.

Once in place, the spore mass is very difficult to remove without damaging the surface to which it is attached. If removed, it leaves a stain. A few of these spots are barely noticeable, but as they accumulate, they may become very unsightly on houses or cars.

What should be done?

To date, there are no known controls for this fungus. With support from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and private mulch producers, Penn State reseachers are studying the problem. They hope to find a wood or bark mulch on which the artillery fungus will not sporulate.

One solution to the artillery fungus problem that is horticulturally sound is to replace wood-based mulch with other types of mulch, such as black plastic or stone, in critical areas adjacent to homes and parking areas.

05-12-2006, 01:09 PM
thanks everyone, i think i will try the FK1 kit. hope they ship to the U.K. Let you know how i get on. kind regards , joe

05-13-2006, 07:15 PM
Hmm "artillery fungus", I think I have a similar problem with my Mustang...


Sorry, had this pic laying around and just couldn`t help myself, you set it up ohhh so perfectly :D