View Full Version : 25 Year old Porche

05-10-2006, 05:51 AM
I don`t know what I got myself into.. About a year ago I made a promise that I would detail a friends car in exchange for some additional work and well they delivered and he reminded me that I now owe his 1981 911 Porsche a detail.. No problem, im actually excited to do it, figure its a test to see how could I can get it to look... SO... Where do I start? Its brown, original paint.. Ive never done a car this old, so I don`t know if I should do my normal routine on the car... Wash... Clay (if necessary)... Menzerna finish polish (yellow pad)... Klasse AIO (white pad)...3M Carnuba... I will be using my porter cable 7424...

I also want to try some new stuff... The AIO isn`t cuting it anymore.. Im kinda fed up with the removal of it, and if not careful Ive been left with some swirl marks (probably from excess?) on my dark blue car..

Anyway... Are is there a special routine that I should follow? Also what is recommended for this 25 year old car which seems to be in decent condition? Ill take a closer look at it today and confirm..


Setec Astronomy
05-10-2006, 09:24 AM
Ugh...I remember back then when there were non-metallic brown cars (my friend had a `75 Fiat X1/9 that color). It didn`t seem so bad then...but the thought of a brown 911 just disgusted me!

05-10-2006, 09:42 AM
Just be gentle on the old paint until you see what`s what (it`s only original once ;) ).

If you mean a yellow *cutting* pad, I`d probably try a softer one first, the paint will quite possibly cut easily.

I always like Meguiar`s products (or another glaze-type approach) on cars like that.

If the FP doesn`t do it, I`d try #80. If the FP *does* do it, I`d apply something like #3/#5/#7/#81 and then the wax.

Funny that you`re having issues with the AIO....maybe try wiping it off while it`s still a little wet if you`re currently lettin it dry. The AIO itself shouldn`t cause swirls though, so I`d wonder about the MF/whatever you use to buff it off. Or else it`s uncovering marring that was already there but hidden by another product.

05-10-2006, 10:07 AM
I don`t know what I got myself into.. About a year ago I made a promise that I would detail a friends car in exchange for some additional work and well they delivered and he reminded me that I now owe his 1981 911 Porsche a detail.. No problem, im actually excited to do it, figure its a test to see how could I can get it to look... SO... Where do I start? Its brown, original paint.. Ive never done a car this old, so I don`t know if I should do my normal routine on the car... Wash... Clay (if necessary)... Menzerna finish polish (yellow pad)... Klasse AIO (white pad)...3M Carnuba... I will be using my porter cable 7424...

I also want to try some new stuff... The AIO isn`t cuting it anymore.. Im kinda fed up with the removal of it, and if not careful Ive been left with some swirl marks (probably from excess?) on my dark blue car..

Anyway... Are is there a special routine that I should follow? Also what is recommended for this 25 year old car which seems to be in decent condition? Ill take a closer look at it today and confirm..


Is it flat brown or metallic? They made a metallic brown called Rosewood that is kind of cool in a retro way.

05-10-2006, 07:26 PM
Be careful!

The paint on my `85 is fairly soft (Guards Red), and thin from years of "detailing" (notice the quotes, was prior to my ownership).... to the point of several burned spots. If you go too aggressive, it could be very easy to burn through that paint!

05-10-2006, 11:48 PM
id be thinking more along the lines of hiding stuff rather than lots of polishing...be gentle on it

05-11-2006, 06:47 AM
I think its a straight brown, not metallic, weather in the NY area hasn`t been great so my friend has left the car in his garage...

So, if I want to do the least abrasive detail to the car.. Whats the recommendation? Skip clay, and the Menzerna FP? Just do a klasse AIO, then my 3M carnuba? Due to the fact that its soft, i should also be very gentle with the random orbital?

As for my application of the Klasse AIO, I put it on with my random orbital, then before it drys remove it with a microfiber... Viper make... Might be a low grade MF...?

Thanks for the help... I will be sure to take and post before and after pictures..

05-11-2006, 07:09 AM
no need to skip the clay...aio would be a good idea, maybe try a test patch by hand with a terry towel

05-11-2006, 07:50 AM
Use the clay, at worst it`ll load up quickly with oxidized paint so have plenty on hand. Use lots of lube and don`t press hard. Done properly it oughta be one of the least abrasive ways to clean the paint.

I`d use at least the FP, IMO you`ll need *some* kind of abrasive. If you want to be *extra* gentle you could use Meg`s #9.

Only problem I have with AIO for this is that it`ll leave some sealant behind and I`d rather work some glaze into the (bare) paint on a job like this. "Feeding the paint" isn`t BS with some single stages the way it is with b/c paint.

Be *very* careful with the Viper MFs, they`re too coarse for some soft single stages I`ve tried them on. I`d never use them on *my* ss cars...actually I don`t use them on *any* of my cars these days (just for nasty jobs- wheels, etc. and cars like service loaners).

I`d still prefer the Meguiar`s-style, glaze/oil-rich approach that I suggested previously. Always worked fine on my (`78) ss Porsche and other ss paints.

05-11-2006, 09:06 AM
I second the glaze recommendation, then top with LSP of choice. 3M hand glaze or 3m Fill`n glaze followed with 3m carnauba (or other carnauba only without cleaners) over the top works well for me. :bigups

05-11-2006, 09:34 AM
#9 it is...

Which MF towels do you recommend?

Ill give the 3M Fill`n glaze a try...

Since Im almost out of my 3M wax, is there something else that I should try? P21S??

Thanks again..

05-11-2006, 03:09 PM
For MFs there are innumerable choices...I guess I`ll say "do a search" :o if only to avoid playing favorites between all the vendors that I respect equally.

I do wonder if the #9 will be too mild, I expect it will be. Anyhow..for a LSP I like the Meg`s #16 but it`s getting hard to find. Many people are quite happy with the P21S and IMO it`s always worth a try.

If your 3M is the paste version, it wouldn`t take much to do a 911. My can of #16 has been down to a little bit (stuck in the outer groove of the bottom of the can) for the last few jobs and it`s not gone yet (and I`m using it on a *much* bigger car).