View Full Version : need a little help

05-05-2006, 12:06 AM
I was just wondering if you guys could help me a little bit with my detailing process. I have done a couple of jobs for my family but its just mostly my car. I have a black car but what i use doesnt seem to last that long so...

wash with gold class

dry with ww microfiber towels

clay bar


pb 2/2.5 with pc on 4/5

AIO with polishing pad

(should i use a glaze here?)

2 coats of p21s by hand

clean rims and tires with something from pet boys cant remember

AIO rims

meg extreme tire shine on tires

but when ever i clean my car it seems i still get little swirls. i use the two bucket system but maybe its my wash mitt. any recommendations on which one to use. anything will help. i will post pictures in two weeks when i get back from college. thanks guys

05-05-2006, 01:51 AM
p21s isnt a long lasting lsp....maybe go aio then a couple of coats of klasse sealant glaze, then depending on how inportant looks are mabe some collinite ?

or go p21s for summer and then collinte for winter

05-05-2006, 05:59 AM
steveo3002 is right, you should follow up the AIO with the Sealant Glaze, remembering to let it sit for a bit before removing.

Regarding the swirls - have you considered getting a brand new wash mit? Also, are you washing the panels in the direction of the windflow? Probably one of the worst things you can do is use circular motion as you`re washing your panels. Go front to back, back to front on all of the horizontal surfaces like your hood, roof and trunk, and then go side to side on your doors and quarter panels.

I wash 1 panel at a time, rinsing my mit thoroughly before starting a new panel. It has helped tremendously!

05-05-2006, 06:30 AM
Sealant Glaze, remembering to let it sit for a bit before removing.

You`re saying to leave the SG on til it hazes?

05-05-2006, 07:23 AM
You`re saying to leave the SG on til it hazes?

Yes. The idea with SG is to apply it very thinly. I use microfiber pads, and putting the SG on the pad 2 or 3 times the pad is saturated enough so that you can really do a lot of the car without having to reapply more SG. I generally let the SG sit for about 45 mins, any longer and I think you might be wasting your time (unless someone can prove me wrong :) )

It should be fairly easy to buff off, I`ve never had too much of a hard time getting SG off with minimal elbow grease.