View Full Version : etched water stains on rims?

05-03-2006, 12:00 PM
I have some OZ Superleggera rims I.. I just recently bought them used with about 2k miles of usage and 4 months of storage. Pretty good condition `cept for one rim. I`m sorry I don`t have any pictures yet but I will post once I get home from work today. But it seems it has some etched water stains.. I`m not quite sure if thats what it is or something else. The rims are race silver and on the sides of the spokes theres like fadded white spots. When I run my finger across its smooth. I`ve tried some sonus car wash soap and even p21s gel cleaner, let it soak for about 5 minutes with agitation of course. Still there.

05-03-2006, 03:03 PM
pics of what im talking about:

the 1st 2 pics can be clearly seen. The 3rd pic came out blurred, but if you look closely you can see what looks like to be a ghost of a water drip maybe.




05-03-2006, 03:38 PM
Maybe someone left some wheel cleaner on too long. I`d try some clay and AIO first.

Not to hijack your thread but, anyone ever use AIO with a Powerball on rims?

05-04-2006, 08:23 AM
Well I tried the Klasse AIO to no avail, although it did polish and clean it up nicely.. Haven`t tried the claybar yet though. And yeah it looks like a cleaner was left on it and dripped or something.

05-04-2006, 10:39 AM
definitly try the clay and if thats not working, try a compound on there....

also, not to hijack your thread but i have used AIO and powerball and it worked great

05-13-2006, 01:47 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, tried them all to no avail. Here`s the steps... Wash, p21s gel, let sit 2 hours, wash. still there. Tried claybar and Klasse AIO no luck either. So I gave up and just proceeded with aio and kgs. On a lighter note all my other 3 wheels are nice and clean and shiny :)

It seems tho now those wierd etched stains stand out more since I cleaned the heck out of `em with sore fingers. I`m afraid its going to result in wheel recon work or sandpaper... :(

Vw Gti
05-13-2006, 09:05 PM
Since you bought them used it could be that there was some damage on the wheels and the previous owner crap-painted it to make it match.

05-13-2006, 09:08 PM
possibly, I will goto a local detail shop to see if they can figure out what needs to be done. For now I can accept the way it looks.