View Full Version : Metal polish on glass?

05-03-2006, 11:35 AM
I have a tube of Autosol Metal Polish, and I remembered I saw something like I can use a metal polish on glass.

It is ok to use this polish on windshiled, or on fine scraches on glass?

I spoke with a local detailer and he said that a polished glass will have a "magnified glass effect" ( idon`t know how to translate). Is it true? And I could damage my glass if using metal polish on it?

05-03-2006, 12:23 PM
I once tried using Peek metal polish (chemical cleaner) on glass, it worked quite well but took a long time to clean off all the smearing.

05-03-2006, 02:35 PM
The formulas are completely different, but Sonus makes a "Glass and Chrome Polish"... Autosol is very effective metal polish and it feels like it has diminishing abrasives, but I don`t know that I`d try it on glass. There are plenty of good glass-specific polishes out there.

For the amount you`d need to do a windshield, I should think that the autosol wouldn`t be cost effective.

The chances of removing scratches in glass with any hand-applied polish seem pretty slim to me. Test it out on a small spot out of the line of vision.

05-03-2006, 05:00 PM
Fine scratches on glass?

Cerium oxide is made to remove fine scratches and polish glass. It`s used in the astronomy world to polish telescope lenses.

Various companies make a glass polishing kit that consists of the powder and a felt pad mandrel that fits into an electric drill.

It`ll remove your scratches, and most everything else and won`t leave any slimy creams or goo to fight with later. It won`t harm the glass and won`t do anything with `magnifying stuff` either.

JC Whitney sells a kit, as does a couple of other suppliers.

This stuff is the mother of all glass cleaners.

-John C.

05-03-2006, 06:08 PM
I used mothers metal polish on my glass and it got rid of all of the water marks and made it look really good.
