View Full Version : Detailing log

05-02-2006, 08:47 PM
Does anyone keep a "detailing log" to keep track of what you have done to maintain the appearance of your vehicle?

I have started one for my new Mustang. :waxing:

I list the date, what was done and materials used... and I have 2 entries so far.

05-02-2006, 08:55 PM
I think I might with whatever my next car is. It might help overall if you decide to sell your car privately. I mean people keep service records and receipts for oil changes, why not keep a detailing log for your car to show the prospective buyer that you took care of it!

Setec Astronomy
05-03-2006, 04:32 AM
I have started doing that...then I always forget about it :o

05-03-2006, 09:51 AM
Yeah, I`ve been keeping track one way or the other for years, but I finally bought a notebook just for this. Wonder how people will feel about this stuff if/when they look back and see how much time they spend "making the car shiny"...

I was really impressed with the log that came with my `84 RX-7. Every tank of gas, every detail, every *everything* since the car was new.

05-03-2006, 09:55 AM
I keep track of every car I do when I either detail it, polish and wax it or test something along with a straight wash job. Plus it helps me track how many applications I can get from a product. Makes reordering easier.

03-05-2009, 04:06 PM
Hey guys, I`ve been a lurker of this site for a while now and have learned a great deal of information. I`m sorry to resurrect such an old thread but I just saw it today and though it would be more appropriate to reply here instead of starting a new thread.

This same question was asked on Autogeek a short while ago, which prompted me to start the DetailLog project, a free online management tool for detailers, which I launched Feb 23. It has received great response so far from the Autogeek members. Currently, the software has basic support for logging information on your customers, cars and details and you can add notes for each of them and an advanced search mechanism. The management is really more focused on detailing businesses who have lots of cars to track, but it works the same if you only maintain your personal cars such as I do.

I`ve got some major features planned to go live this weekend including interface enhancements, photo uploads, product management, and such. I am still hard at work creating an expedited interface for adding details (which is currently a 3-step process consisting of adding a customer, then a car, then a detail). With the new features I also wanted to increase the visibility of the site and offer the service to more users, hoping to get more feedback to make it better for you guys.

As I continue to build it out, I imagine it to be a community portal offering searchable details (show & shine), product ratings & reviews, detailing business directory (your own mini-site with contact info, featured details, and about your shop), a mobile version and whatever additional features are asked for from the community.

The site is completely free, it is a tool for me and anyone else that wants to use it. It is my way of giving back to the community that has taught me so much.

Without further ado: DetailLog (http://www.detaillog.com).

You can either reply here or email admin@detaillog.com with any questions, suggestions or comments. I have put a lot of time and effort into this project and I hope you guys enjoy using it.

03-12-2009, 11:50 AM
I`ve been using this since it was released and I have to say, it`s a great tool. Keep up the good work and thanks for what you`ve done. sent you an email : )

03-12-2009, 11:53 AM
day 1 - wax

day 14 - wax

day 28 - wax

day 42 - wax......

That would be a very large detail log for me! :D

03-13-2009, 10:04 AM
dublifecrisis: I replied to your email.

raskyr1: im really setting it up so that it can handle large inventories, but I, like most people using it right now, only have 1 or 2 cars we care for regularly. I have an entry every week so far for wash + spray wax on my impreza, and the legacy hasn`t been out of the garage in months. if you only have one car and can remember exactly what you did and when, then it might not be all that useful on a daily basis, you can still use it for image hosting, show & shine write-ups (coming soon) and product reviews (coming soon) and log your bigger details (and toggle them public) so others can view it.

all: i forgot to mention here, that there is a demo mode available now. just log in as user `demo` and password `demo123`. the demo account can do everything except edit account settings or edit the product database.

the management section is pretty much feature complete now (just need to finish the product database voting system and the expedited detail entry), the rest of it is just improving the features that all already there. I am excited to begin working on the community stuff soon.

imported_Ivan Rajic
03-13-2009, 11:05 AM
I have an excel file on every client (along with my own car) which lists stuff like date, service, materials used (wash soap, polishes, sealant, etc... pretty much everything), and also has notes like paint condition, time it took, etc.

It`s very easy to maintain and, as Scott said, helps a lot with figuring out what was used, how much, etc.