View Full Version : removing what appears to be tree sap OR wood varnish from paint?

05-02-2006, 04:50 PM
I have a 54 chevy bel air that is turquoise and white (Non oem paint, no clear coat, paint is approx 6-10 years old)

I had it parked on the street for about a month, and during that time i got what appeared to be tree sap on the trunk. it is VERY hard, and does not chip off.

i have tried a few different things to remove it:

Tarminator (stoner product)

Bug and Tar remover (turtle wax iirc)

a clay bar (mothers)

rubbing alcohol

Paint thinner (mineral spirits)


A plastic scraper


my fingernails

and brake cleaner.

Nothing has even killed the `shiny` surface finish of the sap.

after looking at the way the `sap` is on the car, and after having no luck at removing it, im starting to think that this isnt sap. It has the same brownish appearance, but it looks as if somoene accidently brushed the car with the tip of a paint brush or something. im GUESSING that its some sort of hard coat wood finish.

So, im kinda at a loss for what to do now. I have been considering trying to wetsand it off by using a block and taking off all the high spots, and making sure not to remove any more paint than i have to. But this is the `worst case scenario` approach. does anyone have any tips on removal of this stuff?

thanks in advance.

05-03-2006, 07:21 AM
anyone have any ideas?

05-03-2006, 10:31 AM
After trying all that stuff, i kind of doubt it`s sap too. I think you may have to repaint the area.

05-03-2006, 10:32 AM
:hairpull After trying all that stuff, i kind of doubt it`s sap too. I think you may have to repaint the area.

05-03-2006, 11:14 AM
The best thing I`ve used for something like that is AutoPrep by Kleen Strip. But I`m with toolfanatic on this. If those other things didn`t help, I think you are SOL. Sorry.

05-05-2006, 09:49 AM
Try Zep Erase vandal mark remover. I had similar sap stuck onto a beater car a bought about a year ago, that was the only stuff that worked. It`ll also work if it IS paint or something similar and not sap.