View Full Version : Road paint on rear fenders

05-01-2006, 04:37 AM
Hi all, I`m a newbie and hope I am doing this right. I have road paint on the bottom of rear fenders and behind the front wheels. It is kind of lumpy. I tried mineral spirits with no effect. Does anyone know how to remove it without damage to the clearcote.

D Tailor
05-01-2006, 05:33 AM
I`ve used plastic razor blades (light scrape teachnique) and Goof-Off Aerosol (for the stubborn globs) with success and no damage to the paint. Others have suggested clay, but I have found that it takes longer and some globs won`t come off with clay.

05-01-2006, 09:13 AM
I wonder if it makes a difference on how the paint surface was treated before getting the spray on there. I`ve had good success with clay getting an exploded orange paint can`s contents of my black Maxima (lol, that was just in time for Halloween too) as well as white line paint overspray off the same car. Nothing crazy done to care for that car before then, just a coat or two of polymer wax. I did let the overspray cure a few weeks before trying anything, if that helped make the difference.

05-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Thanks for the tip. Plastic razor blades work great.