View Full Version : WW vs. looped microfiber

04-30-2006, 06:04 PM
I would like to start by saying I need help. :nervous2: I have 3 or 4 year old WW. I love these towels but SO much has changed since I purchased these towels. I hate to admitt it but I haven`t visited the detailing community for a while and I guess I need to update my knowledge.

I am currently confused as to wether ww or looped microfiber is a better product. :help: I have a black C5 and don`t want to mess up the finish. From what I gather ww is better for drying and buffing. While looped is best for QD. I have been using my smaller ww for QD and I am happy with the results.

I would be very GREATFUL for some insight from the experts. :bow

04-30-2006, 06:09 PM
Use waffle weave MF for drying and for windows, use terry-weave MF for everything else (buffing, QDing, etc.)

04-30-2006, 07:32 PM
Use waffle weave MF for drying and for windows, use terry-weave MF for everything else (buffing, QDing, etc.)

I hate to ask but I want to make sure we are on the same page, is terry-weave the twisted threads? I have been reading some today.....Wow....TOO much... Would you recommend one over another? :secret

05-01-2006, 08:18 AM
Terry weave is typical looped MF. Each has its own qualities...Waffle weave is more absorbant, so it is used for drying and for windows. Terry has a "nap", so that it can be used to pick up dirt/dust from surfaces.

EDIT--SilverLexus, good idea but I already mentioned that...

05-01-2006, 04:34 PM
Also use Waffle Weave for glass work. :)

05-01-2006, 07:15 PM
:idea So what would you say is the best material to wash high polish aluminum or chrome wheels with? I have been using .....i hate to say it a cheap microfiber with not loops but just strands. I`m not happy with these towels.

I have been using ww to remove polish and am very pleased. Have you had a better experience with polish removal using the looped microfiber(terry weave) or ww?

05-01-2006, 08:02 PM
Use a good wheel cleaner made specifically for chrome/aluminum and a very soft wheel brush to clean the wheels. Then dry with cheap terry weave towels (I`m not sure what you mean by strands?).

DEFINITELY use terry weave for buffing wax/polish/etc. WW for drying and glass ONLY!