View Full Version : Waxing is for old cars, not new.

04-27-2006, 11:45 AM
"Wax is for old cars, not new". This is what a woman told her woman friend, at a local auto parts store. They were looking for leather wipes. Then the little girl they were with, knocked over bottles of wax. Not sure if it was accidental, or if she just agreed with her mother, and decided to show her support. :) Do you people think 75% of the population agrees with them, that waxing is for old cars, or have the masses become addicted to shiny vehicles like Autopians? Have you heard other statements similar to hers? Up in these cold rainy parts where I live, I believe 95% of the population thinks washing their car is when rain rinses the dirt off, and waxing is something done to remove hair.

04-27-2006, 11:49 AM
People think that having a clear coat means they don`t need to wax it. It`s been a myth as long as I can remember. Telling some of them that they`re wrong is like pulling teeth, too.

04-27-2006, 11:52 AM
Those are probably the same people that think a car/truck is nothing more than a tool to get to point A to point B.

Keep in mind, there are a multitide of people that have no clue about car care, and really have no desire either. It`s just a totally different frame of mind.

04-27-2006, 12:05 PM
It seems like the big thing here is the dealer applied "lifetime" sealant. People think they never have to do anything else to their cars except for the drive through car wash once a month. Couple the above clear coat "logic" and at work we have near a full parking lot full of dirty, swirled, scratched and dull looking cars.

I work in a hospital and this includes most of the doctor`s Porsches, Audi`s BMW`s, etc.

I`m almost fearful of parking my clean, shiny and protected car there for fear of attracting some unwanted attention.


04-27-2006, 12:24 PM
My dad, a fairly knowledgeable guy, bought a new Miata last month. We were looking at it and I said something about detailing and he said "A new car like this probably doesnt even need wax, does it? It has clearcoat." So I sent him to Jimmy Buffit`s and Jim took care of him with the Klasse Twins.

On a truck forum I`m on, a guy was posting that waxing a car was completely unnecessary and his ten year old car looked as good as it did right off the showroom floor and never had anything but a wash. He had no plans to wax his new truck - just a waste of money. I just bit my tongue but wanted to say "okay, give me a couple of hours to clean, polish and wax one half of your ten year old car. Then tell me if you`re not embarrassed to be driving a half taken care of car."

04-27-2006, 12:28 PM
When I worked in Europe I would always hear the European refer to the USA as a "throw-away society".

It seems most people here just don`t take care of things . . . it`s just a common mentality.

04-27-2006, 12:35 PM
Well that`s true to an extent, but I think a lot of this going back to dealer misinformation. Dealers will try to sell customers "clear coats" that are just dealer applied sealants. They tell customers that they`ll never need to wax a car with a "clear coat", so people just assume any clear coat = no wax. People around here do *try* to take care of their cars (generally), I just find most of them don`t know how to because of all the misinformation regarding car care floating around.

04-27-2006, 12:43 PM
So I guess that new car will become old and then it`s time to wax, LOL Could be too late then, the old sure die hard, lol

04-27-2006, 01:23 PM
My mother-in-law came over for a visit just last weekend and she pulled up as I was applying a fresh coat of wax. She asked why I was waxing because she had been told that there was no need to do so on newer cars w/ clear coats. I couldn`t resist telling her that it was probably time she start waxing her car since the clear coat was gone on most of the horizontal panels.

04-27-2006, 01:30 PM
I think you guys will find this to be a humorous read http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143503&page=2

04-27-2006, 02:38 PM
I think you guys will find this to be a humorous read http://www.bimmerfest.com/forums/showthread.php?t=143503&page=2

That was pretty painful to read. Hard to read a thread where nobody can articulate anything but hollow opinions. I like the guy that based his entire theory on the professional friend of a friend of a friend.

Uhh... sir? :waxing: