View Full Version : First Time with ZAINO need help and advice....

04-26-2006, 12:50 AM
okay coming from 04 black sti which i loved so much by it was taken away from me and i used basicly maguire stuff but

now i have BLACK 06 sti (obsidian black pearl) and its new i dont want to use that stuff agian and i want to be more like detailer stuff

i want to threat it more so i went ahead and bought $85 kit from ZAINO

but here the stuff i know about the step to follow with the zaino kit

1) Wash car with Dawn

2) Claybar car according to instructions

3) Wash car again with Zaino wash

4) Mix your ZFX with z-5 and apply per instructions, then wipe off

5) Apply z-6 according to instructions and wipe off )

repeat this more than twice if wanted

6) Mix your ZFX with z-2 apply thin layer per instructions, then wipe off

7) Apply z-6 again

repeat this more than twice if wanted

8) And final z-2 layer

9) And z-6 again

10) Done!

but heres the the HELP i need

i know the step and all but i dont know how to really use it

like how to apply Z-5 , Z-2 the rite way or the Z-6

1. do i apply it then wipe off right away or let it set for a bit and wipe off later ?

2. can i jus apply it all around the car and let it dry then wipe off? ( becuz on my previous wax i use u cant let the wax dry up)

3. on the Z-6 how do i poperly use that stuf?

do i jus stray it then wipe off i dont really know

4. any tips on claybar i never done it b4 and how do i use the claybar with becuz the zaino doenst come with quick detailer

5. a friend on my said that with zaino stuff i can only use 100 percent cotton towels

and that Mirco fiber is bad for zaino stuff

well yea

if anyone you guys have imput on how to apply the stuff plz help out


and sorry if i put this in the wrong section its my first time posting


04-26-2006, 03:25 AM
The key to Zaino is thin. Like not be able to really tell where you`ve put it on thin. You can let Zaino sit for a while as long as your doing it in the garage. I did my whole car before I wiped it off. I used z-6 to get any stubborn spots off. As far as claying goes it`s really simple. You can use your wash bucket for lube. Just rub it back and forth in the direction the wind flows over the car. Be gentle so not to induce any marring. You`ll be amazed at what it picks up!

Vw Gti
04-26-2006, 05:40 AM
1) Apply it and wait approximately 30 minutes to dry. Check by sliding your finger across Zaino, if it smears it good, if it dont smear then wipe off.

2) Apply to the entire car or by sections. If you apply to sections then it will take you an entire day :).

3) Spray on car, wipe off with MicroFiber towel

4) You can buy a spray bottle at Wal-Mart and mix some water in their and add some Car Wash from Zaino. Or you can buy some quick detailer at AutoZone. As far as using it, spray the lubricant on the car and move the clay back and forth. Make sure to keep the area well lubricated so the clay wont stip to the paint and make marks.

5) Never heard of Microfiber being bad for Zaino.

04-26-2006, 06:07 AM
If you have any small micro-marring, fine toweling type lines etc on the finish, start with SEVERAL coats of Z5 untill you do not see them anymore.

Z5 is used to hide very fine marks before you go to Z2. It may take several coats of Z5 to accomplish, but you`ll have a finish without fine lines.

Once happy with the marks hidden by Z5, then go to the Z-2. You are correct to use Z-6 between coats and to "prime" the pad with it as well.

As the guys have said, VERY VERY THIN application! Wait for it to fully cure! Then remove.

Sure, MF towels are fine, just use the correct ones, not some cheap type or you also could use the DF Towels and or Concours Towels for removal. The key is very light touch while removing so not to add any MF toweling marring back into the finish. Test a small area hidden to be sure. DO NOT WIPE HARD! Re-wet the area that`s hard to remove with Z-6 to assist and cushion the effect of the towel. Light touch is the key!

I`m about to start application of Zaino to my new black Porsche C2S very soon. The key for Porsche paint beeing so damn soft, is to wash as much light dust off as possible and not to use a QD to remove it as it will have a tendancy to scratch the finish.

One way I dry it now is by use of my handheld Toro leafblower. As long as the area is all wet, I cannot get dust back on it. Then I wipe with a waffel-weave, then a plush MF or DF towel.

Just take your time... Do not try to rush. You must devote enough time to fully clean the finish and keep enough fresh towels handy. Once you`re happy with Z5, the Z2 will add that much more reflection. If you want it really stunning... try the Z8! Man that`s a damn fine finish QD for the last coat. SOme have used Z8 between coats of Z2, but that can cost! I mist Z8 or Z6 very very fine on the finish as you don`t need much. Spray on, wipe off right away.

To save some $$, get another fine mist bottle (small as it`s easier to handle when claying) and mix up some Z6 and distilled water to cut it. Use that as a lube for the Z18 clay. Cut up your clay into small chunks. I do it in thirds. Use a latex glove or nytril glove to avoid oils from hands. If you drop a piece, toss it, don`t try to pick-off any dirt, just throw it away! Fold the clay after several panels or if you see any dirt. When it stops dragging on the finish, the area is clean, move to the next area. Do small areas at a time. Once fully clayed, I re-wash with Z7, but that`s me. You could just use Z6 again to clean up any Z6 lube leftover. Then it`s time for your Z5 coats.

If you DO go with cotton, remove all sides and ends. Cut them off as most have poly on them and can scratch. Yes you`ll get fraying, but you can cut that back. Make sure you wash your cotton towels several times before use to remove any sizing they may have added. Only USA 100% cotton, not some cheap Wal-Mart suff. Go to a Linen-N-Things or Bed Bath and Beyond and get the good stuff! Wash them at least two times in hot water, no softener! When it goes to rinse, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse to remove detergent. Use only liquid too. Dry without any dryer sheets! Now you have the best towels ready to use! Same goes for MF, wash, rinse with vinegar, dry light no sheet, and enjoy.

Post some pics when your done and your comments on how well you did.



04-26-2006, 07:41 AM
If you have any small micro-marring, fine toweling type lines etc on the finish, start with SEVERAL coats of Z5 untill you do not see them anymore.

Z5 is used to hide very fine marks before you go to Z2. It may take several coats of Z5 to accomplish, but you`ll have a finish without fine lines.

Once happy with the marks hidden by Z5, then go to the Z-2. You are correct to use Z-6 between coats and to "prime" the pad with it as well.

As the guys have said, VERY VERY THIN application! Wait for it to fully cure! Then remove.

Sure, MF towels are fine, just use the correct ones, not some cheap type or you also could use the DF Towels and or Concours Towels for removal. The key is very light touch while removing so not to add any MF toweling marring back into the finish. Test a small area hidden to be sure. DO NOT WIPE HARD! Re-wet the area that`s hard to remove with Z-6 to assist and cushion the effect of the towel. Light touch is the key!

I`m about to start application of Zaino to my new black Porsche C2S very soon. The key for Porsche paint beeing so damn soft, is to wash as much light dust off as possible and not to use a QD to remove it as it will have a tendancy to scratch the finish.

One way I dry it now is by use of my handheld Toro leafblower. As long as the area is all wet, I cannot get dust back on it. Then I wipe with a waffel-weave, then a plush MF or DF towel.

Just take your time... Do not try to rush. You must devote enough time to fully clean the finish and keep enough fresh towels handy. Once you`re happy with Z5, the Z2 will add that much more reflection. If you want it really stunning... try the Z8! Man that`s a damn fine finish QD for the last coat. SOme have used Z8 between coats of Z2, but that can cost! I mist Z8 or Z6 very very fine on the finish as you don`t need much. Spray on, wipe off right away.

To save some $$, get another fine mist bottle (small as it`s easier to handle when claying) and mix up some Z6 and distilled water to cut it. Use that as a lube for the Z18 clay. Cut up your clay into small chunks. I do it in thirds. Use a latex glove or nytril glove to avoid oils from hands. If you drop a piece, toss it, don`t try to pick-off any dirt, just throw it away! Fold the clay after several panels or if you see any dirt. When it stops dragging on the finish, the area is clean, move to the next area. Do small areas at a time. Once fully clayed, I re-wash with Z7, but that`s me. You could just use Z6 again to clean up any Z6 lube leftover. Then it`s time for your Z5 coats.

If you DO go with cotton, remove all sides and ends. Cut them off as most have poly on them and can scratch. Yes you`ll get fraying, but you can cut that back. Make sure you wash your cotton towels several times before use to remove any sizing they may have added. Only USA 100% cotton, not some cheap Wal-Mart suff. Go to a Linen-N-Things or Bed Bath and Beyond and get the good stuff! Wash them at least two times in hot water, no softener! When it goes to rinse, add a cup of white vinegar to the rinse to remove detergent. Use only liquid too. Dry without any dryer sheets! Now you have the best towels ready to use! Same goes for MF, wash, rinse with vinegar, dry light no sheet, and enjoy.

Post some pics when your done and your comments on how well you did.



As usually Deanski, excellent write-up!!! :bow :goodjob

04-26-2006, 08:29 AM
Thank you sir! :2thumbs:

I try to be helpful and objective as possible.

You remember those days waaaaay back when we all started to detail? And how may products we all have before finding what really works? I still have a plethora of products, even some quite old that I threw out.

I remember I still had a gallon on sealant from Styles in NJ. It was in a metal gallon container. I also had the old Meguiars "detail" line: Acid Rain Correction Cream, Clearcoat Conditioner etc. That`s when they used to color code the product.

I`ve seen too many times after taking a long effort to get a finish just right only to have it hosed by bad towels. I`ve done that several times,but caught quickly, it`s a quick fix.

I remember one detailer who took that 10 or 15 lb. orbital with the terry bonnet that must have been burnt to hell looking at the nap, back onto a nice finish. That finish was a wreck after that! I gave him some advise, then ran back to my shop, grabbed the PC and a few foam pads along with MF towels and then assisted him in correcting it before the customer came to pick it up. He now is one of the best detailers in the area after that problem years ago.

For new users of a product, it takes time to get acclimated to the products use or type of application and prep to obtain the best results. Most products have such hype on them that you`d think just by opening a bottle and letting it pour over a finish it becomes perfect!

There`s no magic Genie that can fly out of the bottle of product to do magic on the finish. It takes time and effort and at times as most new product users do, reach-out to those who have experience with it to avoid frustration. Advise can be key to obtaining what you want. Never hurts to reach-out!

Never too old to learn too!



04-26-2006, 08:41 AM
For new users of a product, it takes time to get acclimated to the products use or type of application and prep to obtain the best results. Most products have such hype on them that you`d think just by opening a bottle and letting it pour over a finish it becomes perfect!

There`s no magic Genie that can fly out of the bottle of product to do magic on the finish. It takes time and effort and at times as most new product users do, reach-out to those who have experience with it to avoid frustration. Advise can be key to obtaining what you want. Never hurts to reach-out!

Never too old to learn too!



So so true. :bow

Can`t wait to see your pixs of your new Porsche!!! :drool:

04-26-2006, 09:25 AM
thanx Deanski and to everyone else this forum kick so much ***. quick reply and alot of good detailer or member willing to help thanx alot guys and fo sure i will post pics of my car when im done..

"Just take your time... Do not try to rush. You must devote enough time to fully clean the finish and keep enough fresh towels handy. Once you`re happy with Z5, the Z2 will add that much more reflection. If you want it really stunning... try the Z8! Man that`s a damn fine finish QD for the last coat. SOme have used Z8 between coats of Z2, but that can cost! I mist Z8 or Z6 very very fine on the finish as you don`t need much. Spray on, wipe off right away"

z-5 and z-2 can be apply the same way right? like apply it to the whole car very very thin then let it dry then wipe it off gently

and i been doin research on zaino i though z-5 takes out swirl marks but people stated that it only hides swirl marks

okay after clay bar then wash with z-7 then dry off

can i use some swirl removal product ( plz recogmen me a good one ) then coat z-5 zaino product then z-2 after?

thanx agian to everyone

i love this forum many well informed people


and talk about good hospitality for a new member

thanx agian


04-26-2006, 09:42 AM
z-5 and z-2 can be apply the same way right? like apply it to the whole car very very thin then let it dry then wipe it off gently

Yes they both work the same way with ZFX.

and i been doin research on zaino i though z-5 takes out swirl marks but people stated that it only hides swirl marks

Correct; Z5 HIDES/FILLS swirls/micro-marring.

okay after clay bar then wash with z-7 then dry off

can i use some swirl removal product ( plz recogmen me a good one ) then coat z-5 zaino product then z-2 after?

For swirl removal, look at Menzerna IP/FP as one fine polish. It all depends on how badly its swirled or marked to really get into a specific product. But generally speaking, any good swirl remover will do. You just may have to remove any oils used in the polish they add as a lube for the abrasives. Some oils are water based and can easly be removed.

Once done correcting the finish, wash it with your Z7. Dry and apply the Z5 untill happy. Then apply your Z2. Thin is in when applying Zaino. It should be hard to see where you applied it... that thin!

To be honest, I like to wait a full 24 hrs after Z5 and before Z2 if at all possible. With ZFX, you really do not have to.

Best advise for Zaino? Always go straight to the source. The website is full of tips and tricks, plus correct way of applying Zaino. Still confused? Sal Zaino DOES return phone calls! He stands behind his products and is always willing to assist so you get the best results from his products.

thanx agian to everyone

i love this forum many well informed people


and talk about good hospitality for a new member

thanx agian


You`re Welcome!


04-28-2006, 02:33 AM
So so true. :bow

Can`t wait to see your pixs of your new Porsche!!! :drool:

You can see my new Porsche in the Members Photo Gallery or in this thread:

My New Porsche Thread and Pics (http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65331&page=7&pp=12)

I also have some up in a thread over at Detailcity.

