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04-23-2006, 07:15 PM
I`ve been taking a lot of pictures since I got my Canon S2 IS digital camera (to replace my 2MP HP digital). I`ve got a few accessories for it too, including a tripod, lens adapter (to protect the lens and zoom mechanism), a UV filter, a polarizer filter, and a waterproof bag to keep it in when I`m kayaking.

So here are a few pics I`ve taken over the last week or so...

BTW, the Canon S2 IS is a 5.0MP, 12X optical zoom / 4X digital zoom, with Image Stabilization, and way too many features to list.


^ Works great as a laptop wallpaper! ^



I call this one Cliffhanger


And I could swear that this turtle is giving me the finger! :eek: That water is cold...he wants to stay on the warm log!


This is one of a pair of osprey that have a nest above the river. Unfortunately I can never get a good picture of it in the air or anything. It would look better without a bunch of power lines in the picture.


This tiny rabbit was hiding in the corner at the bottom of the ramp that leads to the back door of my apartment building. It was almost 9:00PM, so I had to experiment with various flash settings to get the rabbit`s colors to show up.


Got a favorite picture of these? Any and all comments are welcome.

04-23-2006, 07:21 PM
I ordered the same camera thanks to your input - Have you tried out the color accent feature yet...Looking at various photos with that effect definately took the cake in my book. It seems like a great camera! Would love to see any other pictures you have taken with it, they all look great!

04-23-2006, 07:25 PM
Once again you have provided us with some cool nature pics. my fav is the Osprey, they are fun to watch as they glide through the air. it is amazing the way they can see prey from such a great distance. thanks again and keep them coming. looks like the new camera is fitting your needs well. :cooleek:

04-23-2006, 07:28 PM
I ordered the same camera thanks to your input - Have you tried out the color accent feature yet...Looking at various photos with that effect definately took the cake in my book. It seems like a great camera! Would love to see any other pictures you have taken with it, they all look great!

I haven`t tried out the color accent feature yet. I will get around to it eventually...there are so many features to learn!

I tried out my polarizer filter yesterday, which is pretty neat. You can see the difference between no filter...


...and the polarizer filter on max setting...


04-23-2006, 07:35 PM
Great pics Maxy!! My favorite is the "group shot."

04-23-2006, 07:43 PM
Wow, those are really nice pictures. I wish I can see turtle `n hawk here :(. I`m going try to snap some pics underneath the NYC subway system. :soscared: You can`t imagine what you see. :nervous2:

04-23-2006, 08:20 PM
Here`s a funny one from our recent Florida adventure!


04-23-2006, 08:23 PM
Awesome! Those are probably bigger than my kayak! :)

Nature photos from anyone else are certainly welcome in this thread.

04-23-2006, 10:56 PM
When I came across this grouse, she stayed in the middle of the trail but shooed her chicks off into the underbrush. I had to make a wide detour to be sure to not step on any of them.


04-24-2006, 09:22 AM
[quote name=`Black240SX`]When I came across this grouse, she stayed in the middle of the trail but shooed her chicks off into the underbrush. I had to make a wide detour to be sure to not step on any of them.

Wow you do not see that everyday. thanks for the pic. sorry to say most of my nature pics come from the golf course. some nice scenery but not too many animals

04-24-2006, 09:24 AM
Those are great, thanks for sharing them!

White95max- I sorta like the third pic, the second individual turtle one with the log running diagonal. But I bet you`re *really* glad to have that shot of the baby rabbit.

04-24-2006, 10:29 AM
Here are a few nature shots I took with my Minolta DiMAGE Z6

Managtee, 1/60 sec, f4, ISO 50


Manitee, 1/80 sec, f4.5, ISO 100


Gator, 1/160 sec, f8, ISO 50


Florida King Snake, 1/100 sec, f4.5, ISO 64


Osprey, 1/250 sec, f7, ISO 50


Yellow-crowned Night Hawk, 1/100 sec, f5, ISO 50


Brown Pelican, 1/250 sec, f7.1, ISO 50


White Pelican, 1/200 sec, f4.5, ISO 50


Great White Heron, 1/100 sec, f5, ISO 50


Sandhill Crane, 1/200 sec, f7.1, ISO 50


04-24-2006, 10:53 AM
[quote name=`jfelbab`]Here are a few nature shots I took with my Minolta DiMAGE Z6

Some quality pics you have there. quite a variety as well. we may have a new section ?

" nature of Autopia " :laugh:

04-24-2006, 01:05 PM
jfelbab, I was wondering if you are using any filters in those shots and what ISO you guys are running with your pictures? 50? 100?

04-24-2006, 03:25 PM
Fantastic thread! Really enjoy the rich variety of pictures.
