View Full Version : Menzerna IP problem

04-23-2006, 07:24 AM
Hi folks, it`s been a while since I posted, but I enjoy reading the forum a lot. Thanks for all your help in the past!

I have heard so many great things about Menzerna polishes that I decided to use them for my fall detail last year. I applied IP with a PC using a Sonus DAS green pad and while the actual application went fine, I had a very difficult time removing the leftover IP from the car. I had to rub it off with an MF towel much harder than I would like, and in the end, I felt like removing the polish was creating more problems than applying it fixed. I was only doing part of a panel at a time and was not letting it sit for any extended period. For what it`s worth, I didn`t have the same problem when using the Menzerna FP.

The reason I was using Menzerna was because I typically use Zaino in my fall detail because it lasts well through the winter months when I can`t give my car as much attention. As I understand it, Menzerna polishes are good to use with Zaino because they don`t leave any fillers that Zaino would have trouble bonding to. Usually in the spring, I use 1Z PP and MP before applying a carnauba wax. I really like the ease of use of the 1Z polishes, which is why I was disappointed with my Menzerna experience.

Can someone please give me some ideas what went wrong? Maybe I was using too much polish, though it didn`t seem to leave a very thick layer, just a very stubborn and difficult to remove residue. Maybe I should switch to Zaino Z-PC for my fall detail - is it easier to remove than Menzerna?

I would appreciate any assistance. Thanks!

04-23-2006, 08:13 AM
I always use a spritz of water on my MF to remove IP..

04-23-2006, 09:10 AM
Thanks. That`s what I ended up having to do. Only I used some Z6. It still was streaking pretty bad, and took more rubbing than I liked. Stuff just stuck like glue.

04-23-2006, 09:30 AM
to * me* it sounds like maybe too much polish was used. also would like to know what size area you were working. for *me * I like to work a smaller area and make sure the product looks opaque before removing it. maybe it was not worked enough? let us know how much was used, the size of the area and did it look opaque. hope this made sense.

Envious Eric
04-23-2006, 09:58 AM
^^^^ agree because everytime I use it it wipes off in just a couple of swipes...., no water, or added moisture necessary....83 on the other hand always needs some help coming off

04-23-2006, 10:14 AM
When the polish is fully broken down, it`s pretty easy to remove. Try using less product and working it until it almost dusts.

04-23-2006, 10:57 AM
Thanks everyone. I do think that was the problem - that I didn`t work it enough. For those who have experience with both, does IP take longer than 1Z polishes? I do remember thinking it was taking a long time. I was only doing about a 2 foot by 2 foot section at a time, unless it was a small panel like a fender or something.

It is good to know that it is easy to remove if you do it properly...

04-23-2006, 11:10 AM
I don`t think it takes any longer to use than 1Z PP.

04-23-2006, 03:16 PM
Hmmm, then perhaps I was using too much of the product. Didn`t seem like it, but next time I will try using less. Thanks ZaneO.

04-23-2006, 07:03 PM
I use 2-3 thin lines across the pad, depending on the size of the panel.