View Full Version : JW Prime vs. Prime Acrylic vs. Prime Strong

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04-22-2006, 07:38 PM
So, I have gotten very interested in JW`s stuff these past couple weeks, since everyone is using it in the Click & Brag section. Looks very easy to use and results are great, from what I have seen. I see that most people use the regular Prime as opposed to PA, PC or P.Strong. Why is that?

I`m also looking for a one-step wax to do my families car`s and Prime Strong stands out. Same acrylic content as PA, same forumla as regular Prime, but with more polishing ability. Why wouldn`t you guys get this over regular Prime? How safe is it to use P.Strong by hand?

Thanks guys.

04-22-2006, 07:49 PM
I cannot speak to why PS over just P. I will say that the first time that I used PS was by hand and it worked great.

PS I think would be a good one step but an additional $20 and 30 mins you can add AJ to the mix.

04-22-2006, 07:52 PM
Ya, I plan on getting AJ-T and applying it over whatever Prime I get. After reading the descriptions of each prime, I wonder why you wouldn`t get Prime Acrylic over regular Prime if its the same exact thing, except with a little more acrylic content for a couple bucks more. And I think Prime Strong has even more acrylic content with more polishing ability.

Does Prime Acrylic or Prime Strong not leave the surface as glossy/shiney as regular Prime?

04-22-2006, 07:59 PM
Never used reg Prime but I can tell you that the PS leaves an amazingly crisp finish to start progressing towards your LSP

04-22-2006, 08:52 PM
Reg prime is what was available when I got mine. It works great as I use it after IP/FPII. Prime leaves the surface clean, very slick and shiny. I do have some more prime on the way as I got that and some Trigger from a member. Also CJ is very nice too. I think I would go with CP if I got anymore prime.

04-22-2006, 09:22 PM
You mostly hear about Prime and Acrylic Jett because they were the first products out from JW. Prime Strong and Carnauba, along with AJ-Trigger are all recent additions. In addition, it appears that Werkstatt does all their testing in house, as opposed to other companies who send out test samples for field testing.

04-23-2006, 02:45 PM
I was wondering the same thing Bioman. I want to order up some Prime Strong but it did seem like almost everyone was using the regular version. I was interested in it for the extra polishing ability.

I also have to ask if the Prime Strong will stain trim? They mention that the regular Prime is safe but to wipe if off quickly if you get it on the trim. I wonder if the Strong version can be more detrimental to trim? Any opinions on this one?


04-25-2006, 07:16 AM
I am also interested in the Werkstatt products. Besides Jeff`s website, is there any place else that sells it?

I too am curious about the Prim Acrylic and the Prime Strong.


04-25-2006, 07:51 AM
I believe the only place to buy these products is from Jeff`s Werkstatt. And unfortunately, I don`t think the "autopia" discount applies. I tried the autopia name-drop in the comments section a couple times and didn`t get any play. :(

04-25-2006, 07:52 AM
I just pulled the trigger on some Prime Strong, C-Jett, and the C-Glos. Do they have any discount codes also. I ordered this about 5 min ago so I am sure I could contact them if there is a discount code.

04-25-2006, 07:59 AM
I find Prime Strong easier to use as compare to the regular Prime, application is easy and the removal is as easy too, even in those area where you apply slightly thicker. I also find Prime Strong looks wetter too and this can be due to the polishing agent in it. It definately cleans better than the regular Prime too.

For those who don`t mind spending that few more dollars than I would suggest getting the Prime Strong.

04-25-2006, 10:04 AM
waiting for this is already killing me, I have a good plan for 2 Audi`s that I am seeing this weekend. Optimum 50/50 mix followed by Prime Strong and lsp A-Jett.

04-25-2006, 10:10 AM
I was wondering the same thing Bioman. I want to order up some Prime Strong but it did seem like almost everyone was using the regular version. I was interested in it for the extra polishing ability.

Again, it is because Prime Strong is a new Werkstatt product, probably only been out a month or so.

04-25-2006, 12:33 PM
I just used AJ this weekend. Very nice, disappeared before I even buffed it out. No streaks even spraying it liberaly.

How much AJ should I use per panel?

I applied 425 over the AJ and I also got my shipment of Pink Wax.

WIll I have to shelve the AJ once I add the Pink Wax?


One reason I like the FX100 seal/glaze is because it works well a sealant and topper.

04-25-2006, 12:45 PM
I just used AJ this weekend. Very nice, disappeared before I even buffed it out. No streaks even spraying it liberaly.

How much AJ should I use per panel?

I applied 425 over the AJ and I also got my shipment of Pink Wax.

WIll I have to shelve the AJ once I add the Pink Wax?


One reason I like the FX100 seal/glaze is because it works well a sealant and topper.

I would not put the AJ over Pink Wax. You should have bought the Arylic Glos, and put that over the AJ, that`s what it`s meant for, better shine, better durability. I plan on putting AG after washes. Pink Wax over the AJ is cool though.