View Full Version : Proper Foam Gun Usage Questions

04-20-2006, 06:19 PM
I am considering pulling the trigger and investing in a foam gun based on the recommendations of some forum members. I just have some general questions regarding its use in the general washing of the car.

1) Do you foam the entire car prior to washing and let it soak or do you foam one panel at a time??

2) Do you use the traditional 2 bucket method with a one bucket filled with wash soap or is this overkill?

3) Do you constantly have to disconnect the foam gun to rinse or is there a setting to allow pure water to be put out for rinsing?

4) What are the best "mixes" of soaps that you keep on hand for washing? What ratios work best with what products?

I am sure I will come up with more questions as this thread progresses :)

04-20-2006, 06:24 PM
I am considering pulling the trigger and investing in a foam gun based on the recommendations of some forum members. I just have some general questions regarding its use in the general washing of the car.

1) Do you foam the entire car prior to washing and let it soak or do you foam one panel at a time??

I foam the whole car down and let it run down. I then take my firemans nozzle and spray the car off. I then use the gun and spray just below where I am wiping with my mit and then rinse after each pannel in a bucket of clean water.

2) Do you use the traditional 2 bucket method with a one bucket filled with wash soap or is this overkill?

IMO it is overkill as you are getting massive suds as it is.

3) Do you constantly have to disconnect the foam gun to rinse or is there a setting to allow pure water to be put out for rinsing?

Yes there is a setting that allows you to change to just water although I like switching out. Its just personal choice.

4) What are the best "mixes" of soaps that you keep on hand for washing? What ratios work best with what products?

I never used anything but Megs Gold Class and it works fine. I fill the unit up with water about 3/4 then top off with the GC and shake it up. Then foam away! From what I have read the other best options are the PBs/CG shampoos.

I am sure I will come up with more questions as this thread progresses :)

04-21-2006, 08:09 AM
1) I only foam the section I am going to wash, our water and lack of shade makes me want to work quick, even with a water softner set up. So doing a section at a time allows me more time to make sure I do it properly.

2) Yes, I foam the section, use my quick disconnects to switch back to a fire nozzle and do the traditional 2 bucket method

3) There is a setting for no mix, but I prefer my nozzle.

4) I add 3 ounces of 1z perls and use a 6:1 ratio on the foam gun (I have the larger cannister) and can do the whole car and wheels/wells. I might be doing it on overkill but that`s how I like it.

04-21-2006, 08:41 AM
I do it like n2_Space.

1) I presoak only when *very* dirty (think winter) and still wash a panel at a time.

2) Yes, absolutely. The foamgun`s an addition to, not a replacement for, the normal wash. It merely contributes additional lubrication and constant flushing.

I still change/ rinse out my mitt very frequently. I don`t try to do a whole panel without cleaning the mitt. Using a BHB is different, at least with my boosted pressure; I can do a panel if it`s not too dirty.

3) I use a second, dedicated hose for rinsing (have a "Y" splitter where the hoses connect to the spigot). The convenience is well worth the cost IMO. The no-soap setting doesn`t have much volume or pressure IMO and switching from the gun to a nozzle is a hassle even with quick disconnects. I rest the foamgun on/in the rinse bucket while using the other hose.

4) I use Griot`s Car Wash for the lubricity and LSP-friendliness. I take an empty 1 gallon jug and put in 4-6 oz of Car Wash and the rest water. I fill the foamgun from this and usually use the weakest setting (except on really dirty panels). Combined with the solution in the wash bucket this is plenty (since it`s merely adding lubricity and flushing, not doing all the cleaning by itself).

04-21-2006, 09:18 AM
I use a Y fitting on the main hose and then have (2) 25 hoses where one has the foam gun and the other the nozzle. It`s a lil cumbersome, but not bad at all. I couldn`t figure out how to get straight clean water out of the foam gun and even if I did, I doubt the flow would be significant.

2 Bucket wash method. I usually do a small area presoak for example I`ll hit the top roof, hood and trunk with a heavy foam so it clings better. Then I`ll start 1 panel at a time with 2 bucket method keeping an eye on the spots im haven`t hit with the mitt yet to make sure they don`t dry. If I see its drying too quick, I`ll use the low setting on the foam gun to to wet it down or spritz the hose on it. Usually I`m rinsing one panel off and have to refoam the other sections.

I use detailing dynamics soap and I filled the bottom of the foam gun container about 1/8" up on the half gallon jug and the rest with water. I found I got plenty of suds on even the lowest setting. I think I got about 4-5 car washes out of that. I am a noob with the foam gun so I will test as I go, but so far its pretty good and I`m not using that much of the expensive soap.

I think the best bet is to test it out for yourself and se what works. The biggest challenge is figuring out the best method you like for using the nozzle and spray gun. You can use one hose with quick disconnects on the hose, foam gun, nozzle (You may want to test different quick disconnect as the one that came with my foam gun will still flow water once disconnected however the one I got at HD has an auto valve that stops the water. This one makes it easier for reconnecting unless you like bathing with your car! LOL

So far I love the foam gun and can`t wait to really test it after I get a chance (more like a good weather weekend) to polish my car!

04-21-2006, 09:31 AM
After having my foamgun for about 2 months now I finally havemy system down pat as to not re-introduce micromarring. I tried every mitt and I just got sick of it - I finally picked upthe $2 grout sponges at Home Depot and they dont drag dirt at all! Simply spray the panel with foam, then after your sponge has soaked for 5 minutes in a bucket I get real close and spray the panel with a think foam and follow closely with the sponge, not putting any pressure, just gliding it along the paint..After I get the whole vehicle done I spray it with a final foam covering, then rinse. Start at the top, do the bottom very last as to not drag that crud all over your car. I spray my sponge off after every panel to get rid of any crap that may be on it. After 5 washes like this, my car still looks like it did the day I polished it. Its frustrating..but once you finally get the hang of it will be worth it. I wouldnt ever want to wash my car without my foamgun (Except for Optimum No Rinse Wash of course) For soap, I usually put 2-3 squirts of PB SS&S and a gulp of some bulk soap into a gallon container filled with water...shake it up...let it sit for a day and then just fill my foam gun canister as I need to! :)