View Full Version : Where do we report problems or bugs on the forums?

04-20-2006, 08:37 AM
For instance I have tried on three different computers to click on the little blue arrow next to the posters name on the main page which in theory should take you to the last post of that particular thread. It does not work in IE or FF.

It would be really nice and a little time saver if that could be fixed. Does that happen to anyone else?

04-20-2006, 12:34 PM
YES! It drives me crazy and I`m glad I`m not the only one. The button does seem to work however after you click on the View New Posts button and click it from there. Hopefully it can be fixed...

04-20-2006, 02:10 PM
YES! It drives me crazy and I`m glad I`m not the only one. The button does seem to work however after you click on the View New Posts button and click it from there. Hopefully it can be fixed...

I figured it was not me after I tried it on 3 PCs.

04-20-2006, 05:10 PM
KGB, you need to PM or Email DavidB or myself to report any problems or issues.

As for the issue you are facing, I just checked it out myself and got a Page Not Found error. DavidB and I will be working on this issue to resolution.

04-20-2006, 05:25 PM
Ok thanks, I will not send the PM then being that you realize what is happening.

Happy detailing.

Bobby G
04-20-2006, 07:38 PM
Ok thanks, I will not send the PM then being that you realize what is happening.

Happy detailing.

I have a list of seven things broken with the current version of the forum and the template we are using. My ability to hack vBulletin skins SUCKS, so I am trying to find a vB skinner to help get us upgraded to the next version.

These fixes are a long time coming, I realize, but I will get to them. I Promise!