View Full Version : Megs 80 & 83

04-19-2006, 10:20 AM
Hey guys. I just got done applying Megs 83 and 80. With that combo, can I go straight to a sealant?, or should I use AIO before a sealant? I`m not sure if AIO is needed being there are cleansers in 83 and 80. And no matter what I apply next, do I need to wait 24 hrs before applying anything being I just applied 80?

Thanks guys!

04-19-2006, 12:14 PM
no comments? anyone?

04-19-2006, 12:20 PM
If you apply you will remove any fillers #80 left behind...some argue it doesnt have any...it just depends how you work it I guess. Some sealants will have trouble bonding to #80...Which sealant are you thinking of using...You could always do AIO just to make sure you get correct bonding for sure.

04-19-2006, 12:27 PM
I plan on using SG. I don`t know what to do.. I applied 2 coats of #83, and 2 coats of #80 - in that order. I didn`t want to do all of that for nothing if AIO was going to strip everything I just did. I just didn`t know if there was really a need for AIO being Meg`s has cleansers in it. I`m not sure if KSG will bond well to #80 though. Upon searching the forums, I can`t seem to find anyone else in my situation. :(

04-19-2006, 12:34 PM
I plan on using SG. I don`t know what to do.. I applied 2 coats of #83, and 2 coats of #80 - in that order. I didn`t want to do all of that for nothing if AIO was going to strip everything I just did. I just didn`t know if there was really a need for AIO being Meg`s has cleansers in it. I`m not sure if KSG will bond well to #80 though. Upon searching the forums, I can`t seem to find anyone else in my situation. :(

Keep in mind that both #80 and #83 are cleaner polishes so what you are left with in the end is whatever the last application you did. You do not have 2 layers of #83 and 2 layers of #80 on your paint. You have some oils left over from that last application of #80, that is it. #80 and #83 are not polishes in the sense that they leave any protection behind, they are meant to remove defects, nothing more.

What I probably would have done is #83 followed by AIO and then topped with SG.

04-19-2006, 12:44 PM
gotcha. Makes perfect sense. You say I should have used #83 followed by AIO. Why #83 as the last step before AIO instead of 80? Should have I used 80 and then 83? Should I apply 83 before a layer of AIO?

Thanks again

04-19-2006, 12:49 PM
gotcha. Makes perfect sense. You say I should have used #83 followed by AIO. Why #83 as the last step before AIO instead of 80? Should have I used 80 and then 83? Should I apply 83 before a layer of AIO?

Thanks again

It really depends on the condition of your paint. Hard to say which you should use first. #80 is a milder cleaner than #83 and AIO is probably somewhere between the two in agressiveness :nixweiss If your paint is in good condition you could probably even just go with AIO and then top with SG.

04-19-2006, 05:11 PM
Most people find #83 doesn`t finish out well enough unless they use it by rotary (and often even then). Using #80 after #83 is SOP for Meg`s polishes. AIO is *MUCH* milder abrasiveness-wise than #80, in fact most people find its 1-micron abrasives to be functionally nonabrasive for practical purposes. AIO is a great chemical cleaner though.

#80 does leave stuff behind, including fresh-paint-safe polymers and lots of the Meg`s "Trade Secret Oils".

I`ve used cleaning products like AIO after #80 and had marring "come back" as the #80`s Trade Secret Oils (or whatever they are) got cleaned off. So be prepared to do some more polishing if that happens.

FWIW, I use #80 before carnaubas, and I use something else (that doesn`t leave as much behind) when I use the Klasse twins. And I never use KSG without using AIO first.