View Full Version : New EO Nano Products, Any Good?

04-19-2006, 09:40 AM
I was wondering if anyone has used the new nano protectant and nano spraywax.... The nanospray wax works well for me but am wondering what others think of it. I have not used the nano protectant yet so i am looking for some opinions on that for sure. :xyxthumbs

I am wondering because i recently got a package from EO containing each of these 2 products.

04-19-2006, 10:18 AM
I got nano spraywax, very nice slickness, no streaks on dark paint....it says it fills light swirls, I don`t see that...

smell leaves a little to be desired...well worth $5 that I spent on it

04-19-2006, 10:54 AM
I bought and used Nanowax Spray Wax. It`s like a "QD on steroids" (someone else`s words that I think applies here to a tee). Very easy to use. On my sapphire blue car, it filled up minor swirls quite well. Same goes for a a light beige SUV I have. Swirl-filling was actually the one trait of this product that stood out. I used it in the sun and it behaved well. It`s a nice alternative for those times you want something quick and a regular QD isn`t enough. I`d say it`s about as good as NXT and other OTC waxes in the looks department.

I don`t care about it`s glycol content. Makes my hands stink for a while.

04-19-2006, 11:12 AM
I believe glycol is used in anti-freeze.

I really enjoy Nano Spray Wax and like the vanilla-like smell. It gives an awesome gloss, slickness and does hide minor cobwebbing effects. It is a piece of cake to use - no smears, just spritz lightly buff, flip towel and finish off. The surface needs to be in good shape in order to have no issues when applying. I use it after every car I wash for people as a change from the Wax As U Dry and Mothers FX Spray.

I used the Nano Protectant. I bought it from EO because I can`t get it locally. Reminds me exactly of 303 - matte, factory fresh finish and can be used on leather too. It has light, light cleaning abilities, a nice fresh scent and leaves no residue or greasiness. I like it because it is a one stop product for every surface of an interior. Soiled interiors require a cleaning first before applying the Nano. It can smear on smooth plastic but a dry, clean MF will buff it off.

I used it on the interior of 2 BMW`s (my parents) and was very, very satisfied. If you like 303 on your interior, you`ll like Nano as a readily available OTC protectant. But for some reason, none of the stores by me carry it but everyone else seems to be able to get it.

For $10 combined for two products, you`ll definately be satisfied.

imported_Larry A
04-19-2006, 06:24 PM
I havent used the Nano Protectant, but the Spray Wax is outstanding.