View Full Version : FK FX-100 Unclear To Me, Please Help....

04-19-2006, 05:21 AM
I don`t really understand FX-100. I have searched and still I don`t quite get it.

It`s supposedly a spray sealant made up of "poly resins and inorganic waxes" and seemingly people are using this as a LSP. That`s all well and good and I want to try it but I don`t follow people using it over other LSP`s such as Pink Wax and/or other carnauba containing waxes. How can it bond over a carnauba or even another sealant???

Can I use this over my AIO/EX-P combo now? If it can bond to a carnauba, can it bond to another sealant?

Sorry for my confusion! :confused:



04-19-2006, 06:12 AM
Just about any carnauba can go over a sealant, 9 out of 10 times no problem. Sealants over a carnauba will most likely give you problems, but there are some on this board that have done it with no problems. You can definitely use FX-100 over EX-P. I look at FX-100 as a enhancer or as a quick LSP. If you wanted you could just go polish/FX-100.

04-19-2006, 06:39 AM
not only can you use FX100 over a sealant but you can also use FX100 over Carnauba`s like S100, P21S, Souveran, etc. I did a few layers of S100 over the course of a few days, each time I topped with FX100. I think if you use Carnauba FX100 and 425 are ideal, one locks it in and the other repels dust (its no BS I saw this for myself one afternoon).

The guys at Finish Kare figured out how to get a gloss and sealant into a quick spray.

And they should get a Noble prize for 425.

04-19-2006, 06:52 AM
Thanks guys. That`s too cool. A sealant over a carnauba. Who would have thought???!!!

I even find it surprising that it will bond over another sealant. I guess I`m still old skool... :grinno:

I`m gonna give it a shot over my combo now or possibly do a layer of the P21S first and than the FX-100..

It`s the enhancement that I`m after as John mentiones as well repelling dust if that is possible.

Thanks again!


04-19-2006, 08:10 AM
Has anyone put 425 over OCW. I already have OCW, and I like the way it looks, and it is very easy to apply, but the anti-static feature os 425 would be great.

04-19-2006, 08:35 AM
Has anyone put 425 over OCW. I already have OCW, and I like the way it looks, and it is very easy to apply, but the anti-static feature os 425 would be great.

Have not done it yet, but you should have no problem.