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View Full Version : Glass Scrub and Rain Clear

02-28-2005, 08:47 PM
Well, I applied my Glass Scrub and Rain Clear Gel right in time for tons of rain!

The Glass Scrub really cleaned my winshield up nicely. It has to be applied on wet glass so i applied it directly after washing. Just two lil blobs did my entire winshield. I was suprised because i think i still used too much! Easy application with the water, polish in a circular motion just using a sponge. Then just rinse it off to a nice clean winshield! Im not sure how well it would do bad water spots, although it got rid of my light ones easily. Maybe if the product was worked into the glass longer, it might be able to get bad ones out as well.

The Rain Clear Gel was amazing! Its definitely better than Rain-X in my opinion. Unfortunately, I still have bottles of it left! I liked the application of the gel much better. Just polish it in. The Rain-X would occasionally leave spots or streaks if you didnt get it completely off and I hated the application, Although I used the bottled type instead of the spray. The Rain Clear allowed the rain to run right up the windshield easily at 35 mph or above! Although, I am sure it will not be that good a month from now, but i hope it lasts longer than Rain-X! :)

02-28-2005, 08:55 PM
Interesting. I guess its an easy to use yet good repellant better than Rain X? Have you tried the other products from Rain Clear?

02-28-2005, 09:03 PM
I bought the spray cleaner as well. It seemed to clean pretty well, but as far as its rain repellent abilities, Im not sure yet! It says it can, but idk...

03-01-2005, 11:22 AM
Thanks for the writeup, zymolkk. I can`t wait to try these new products myself! :)