View Full Version : Applying Zaino Z2/Z5

04-07-2006, 10:11 AM
I know Zaino works best when you apply very thin coats, and I use the Sonus DAS blue Foam pad to apply my Zaino, but what about using Microfiber bonnets (using a PC still of course) Would this work better at get that thinner coat on?

I just find it somewhat difficult to apply Zaino Z2, especially without using more then I should. I want to get that really thin coat but usually after I`m done applying Z2 it looks like I missed alot of areas because I tried to apply really thin. Do you guys have any tips for applying Zaino using a PC?

04-07-2006, 02:23 PM
Zaino application should almost not be detectable on the surface. This can really be a trick on light colored vehicles.

My method of applying Z sealants is by using a controlled and repeatable pattern application. I mentally grid each panel and apply to each grid with over-lap of the previous grid. Using this method allows me to feel comfortable in terms of not missing any spots and still maintaining a thin application.

I would not use the microfiber bonnet. Using the PC pad alone will allow usage of the Z sealant that has been absorbed into it. By layering a MF bonnet may prevent this process and increase the amount of sealant needed to do the job.

04-07-2006, 02:40 PM
i do a pattern as well to not miss a spot. and i can tell you it is super hard to see it on my pearl white coupe!