View Full Version : My second biggest purchase, finally got my camera...

04-06-2006, 07:41 PM
First place goes to my car, but this definately takes a shiny silver. Heres my original thread with all my options http://autopia.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68639

And the verdict is........


After lots of researching, and talking with people online as well as in my photo club, I decided to go with the Canon Digital Rebel XT. I decided to skip out on the 18-55mm kit lens because I didn`t hear the best things about it, and picked up the 28-135mm f3.5 IS. I had one of the top members in my club highly recommend this lens to me, and this guy isn`t afraid to spend money on lenses, so I have high respect for his opinion. I think the lens should suit me well, giving me a nice range and the added bonus of IS. I`ll probably pick up a 50mm prime, and when money starts coming in *maybe* a nice 70-200mm f2.8L lens :o

I decided to go with the Canon Digital Rebel XT because the deal was really good. Canon is now offering a $100 rebate on this camera as well as a couple other cameras, lenses and accessories. I was originally looking at the Nikon D50, but then got swayed with Canon. I was going to get the Canon Digital Rebel (previous model), but for $40 more I got the Rebel XT. The $40 price difference makes the Rebel XT a no brainer. Its got 8MP vs 6.3MP, way more features, faster processor, etc. I originally had concerns about the way it felt in my hand, but it seems fine now. I might have been overanalyzing it because the Nikon D50 felt so much bigger, but this camera is the same size, if not bigger than my older digital camera which I had no problems with. The fit is fine in my hands.

I`m also super impressed with B&H`s service. I live about 30 minutes away from the city, but didn`t expect it to get it this soon. I ordered it yesterday afternoon, and it came today. :woohoo:

The best part is I didn`t pay sales tax, and I used a photo club member`s NAPP number so I had it shipped for free too, doesn`t get better then that. :xyxthumbs

I now get to spend most of tommorow reading up on the manual, tommorows going to be rainy anyway. Hopefully I can get some nice shots of the cherry blossoms in action on Sunday. I also plan on making a trip to B&H in the city to pick up a camera bag, and a lens hood(you`d think a $400 lens would come with one :angry ). I also got a coupon for a free gift there from when I went to the Empire State Building so I figure I cash in on that with all the money I`ve already given them.

Pics will be posted sometime next week with it. :D

Thanks for all the help in making my decision guys! :xyxthumbs

04-06-2006, 09:18 PM
Congrats, I got the D50 over Xmas. I like it but I have noticed a few better pics with the XT. I had a Cannon before and just did not like it so I took a chance. Honestly I just need to learn to use it. My two complaints are the flash and the color is not very vivd. But I found out that the reason is that most point and shoots are over enhanced where as DSLRs take into account more true color.

ET Awful
04-07-2006, 04:43 AM
My two complaints are the flash and the color is not very vivd. But I found out that the reason is that most point and shoots are over enhanced where as DSLRs take into account more true color.

You can change the color saturation if I`m not mistaken. At least you can on the D70 (and for that matter, every other dSLR I`ve used). I think there is a setting for "Vivid" color.

Built in flashes on SLR cameras are rarely worth using. Especially if you`re using anything other than short lenses (the flash is too low to cast light past the lens body). Sigma makes a GREAT flash for very little money (well worth looking into, and completely compatible with Nikon`s iTTL system).

Sorry for hijacking the thread into Nikon territory :).

04-07-2006, 09:57 AM
I decided to go with the Canon Digital Rebel XT. I decided to skip out on the 18-55mm kit lens because I didn`t hear the best things about it, and picked up the 28-135mm f3.5 IS.. The fit is fine in my hands..

Cool, glad you ended up with something you like. IMO the extra money was well spent.

And yeah, B&H is a good way to go :xyxthumbs

04-07-2006, 02:07 PM
sweet deall How much did that other lens cost ya..??? now we`ll have to hang out together cannn brother.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

04-07-2006, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the kind words everyone. I think I already took about 150-200 shots. This thing focuses so fast its crazy :cooleek: . On my older cameras the manual focus was really annoying to use so I never used it, and I felt I`d use it with the newer camera because its easier, but there really isn`t a need for it with the USM, unless theres a certain situation that calls for it.

sweet deall How much did that other lens cost ya..??? now we`ll have to hang out together cannn brother.. :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Thats right Patrick I was thinking of you when I got this. Theres no excuse for us not documenting the Poorboy`s Detailing weekend this year.

The lens cost $420, not exactly cheap, but I wanted something really good, and versatile, the IS also helped. Any tips of things to watch out for the camera? What kind of filters are you using? I also got to pick some of them up too, as well as good cleaning kit for the sensor, although I don`t plan on cleaning that for a while since this lens will stay mounted till the money starts coming in, which won`t be for a while :rolleyes: