View Full Version : Help me fix my paint!!!

04-06-2006, 06:23 PM
I think the clearcoat on my passenger side near the rear wheel panel is coming off. Also there are hard watermark-like spots on it that i can`t get rid of no matter how hard i wash and scrub. Can anyone help me fix it up?

See the picture.





04-06-2006, 06:28 PM
you could make it look better but It would require alot of love after. your car needs to be resprayed. is that the way the whole thing looks?

04-06-2006, 06:29 PM
ouch. never worked on anything like that, ive seen vehicles that look like that but in my area they arent gonna pay me to try and fix it.....if that even possible by way of detailing. the water spots will come off not with elbow grease though. youre probably adding to the problem trying that method stop scrubbing and clay it down, for the water spots there are a wide array of products that will remove them, considering the condition thats it id probably use a 3m shop compound, i use it to remove acid rain off glass and i dont even need a buffer. as far as that clear coming off like it is id say paintjob not detail.

Vw Gti
04-06-2006, 07:04 PM
Very common problem with Honda`s and Acuras and Mitsubishis. The car needs a whole new paintjob. I would not try to use the PC on it. I had a honda civic witht he same problem on the hood and used some wax or ColorX on it and the paint started to rub off. Your clearcoat is completely disappearing and ur paint is also. Putting a few coats of wax will lessen the appearcance but will reappear in a matter of days.

As for the water marks. Some people suggest putting some vinegar on it for a few minutes and then washing it out. You cal also try to use a claybar to remove some of it and then use Meguiars ScratchX to remove the harder marks.

04-06-2006, 07:12 PM
arg... not the answer i wanted to hear >_<

I don`t think i have money for paint job... are macco paint job any good?

Vw Gti
04-06-2006, 07:26 PM
I am not too big on the paint jobs issue. What is macro paint job?

04-06-2006, 07:51 PM
I wouldn`t use Maaco....

04-08-2006, 11:21 AM
oops, i meant maaco. Well then i guess im stuck with that big mark on my car for a while. Is there any way to prevent further clearcoat tearing?

04-08-2006, 11:30 AM
Very common problem with Honda`s and Acuras and Mitsubishis. The car needs a whole new paintjob. I would not try to use the PC on it. I had a honda civic witht he same problem on the hood and used some wax or ColorX on it and the paint started to rub off. Your clearcoat is completely disappearing and ur paint is also. Putting a few coats of wax will lessen the appearcance but will reappear in a matter of days.

As for the water marks. Some people suggest putting some vinegar on it for a few minutes and then washing it out. You cal also try to use a claybar to remove some of it and then use Meguiars ScratchX to remove the harder marks.

When you see the CC failing on Honda cars it`s usually on the top panels. This looks to me to have been repainted in it`s life and not done properly. Is this car baking in the AZ sun or something?

Vinegar:Water 1:1 should be a good solution to remove or at least help the hard water spots. Good luck and post the results.