View Full Version : #83 & #21-vs-#6 & #26?

Solo Cali
04-04-2006, 12:54 PM
Meg`s Showdown.

I did a test today on a 98` Tacoma green. I was suprised with the results. The #83 seems to poilish out a bit better than the #6. This is what got me the #26 costing $15 dollars out shined the #21 costing well over that.

Would Klasse AIO top all this hard work in one easy step?

04-04-2006, 01:42 PM
aio is a chemical cleaner that would remove 26/21.

04-04-2006, 02:03 PM
aio is a chemical cleaner that would remove 26/21.

i dont think Solo Cali meant AIO as a `topper` !!!! :ca just AIO as opposed to the two step....

Solo Cali
04-04-2006, 02:15 PM
i dont think Solo Cali meant AIO as a `topper` !!!! :ca just AIO as opposed to the two step....Right you are. #6 claims to be a AIO also. As does Color "X". I dont believe #83 claims to be a AIO.

What is the best AIO out there........Klasse AIO? If so what would rival this product at a lower cost?

04-04-2006, 02:27 PM
Those are very different combos. Why would you compare a medium cut polish vs a cleaner wax? I`m not sure how #26 outshined #21, I`ve had good success with #21 and I get a 8 oz bottles so its only $6-7. Maybe if you used #83 on both test panels followed by #26 and #21 it would be a better test.

Solo Cali
04-04-2006, 02:39 PM
Those are very different combos. Why would you compare a medium cut polish vs a cleaner wax? I`m not sure how #26 outshined #21, I`ve had good success with #21 and I get a 8 oz bottles so its only $6-7. Maybe if you used #83 on both test panels followed by #26 and #21 it would be a better test.Thats why. Ok I`ll give that a shot.

Solo Cali
04-04-2006, 04:55 PM
Those are very different combos. Why would you compare a medium cut polish vs a cleaner wax? I`m not sure how #26 outshined #21, I`ve had good success with #21 and I get a 8 oz bottles so its only $6-7. Maybe if you used #83 on both test panels followed by #26 and #21 it would be a better test.

Ok, now I did a test between #83 & #82. Topped one with #26 and the other with #20. Pretty darn close.

Then I tried #9 topped with NXT TW. This also looked pretty impressive. I could hardly tell the difference between all three combo`s.

All applied with a PC with white wolfgang pad on #4 speed. Removed polish by hand(blue-MF), and removed wax with PC grey wolfgang pad on #5 speed, followed by a light hand rub down with MF.

Can anyone tell me the differnce between #20 & #21?