View Full Version : Brand new car - how to start off on the right foot

04-03-2006, 07:56 PM
Hey everyone!

Been planning this for a while, and it looks like I`ll finally be getting a car of my own (I work at a dealership and get demo cars to drive, so I haven`t needed a personal car for quite some time). Anyway, I should be getting this brand-new, off the truck, and I wanted to see what everyone suggested for detailing it properly, right from the get go.

As I said, I`ll still have the demo as a daily driver, so this will be strictly a weekend, "fun car", which will be garage kept and stored during the winter months.

With that said, what should be the proper tools, techniques, etc. for me to be looking for in this situation? I already have a PC 7424 (got it as a Christmas present) but no pads, and the wife`s parents ordered me the detailing technique DVD from showcargarage.com as a birthday present (it should be here any day). But that`s it as far as detailing equiptment, so I`ll have to purchase all the rest. Since the car will be here the end of this month, or the beginning of May, I figured I`d better start finalizing my choices now so that I can have all the supplies ready when it gets here.

BTW, it`s a white, `06 Evo MR, if the paint color makes a difference in the equation.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any help you can give! It`s a fantastic site, although I have a sneaky suspicion that the more time I spend here, the more money is going to disappear out of my pocket... ;) :D

04-03-2006, 08:18 PM
Welcome to the site and congrats on your purchase!

First order of business would be to not let anyone at the dealer "detail" the car for you. This will save you the headache of possibly having to remove marring and/or swirls.

A mild claying may be order to remove some stuck on contaminants from shipping.

You can then follow up with a paint cleaner if needed, mild polish, and any choice of LSP.

On my girlfriends new blue Scion TC I used Klasse AIO topped with Meg`s #26 the night we took it home.

04-03-2006, 09:33 PM
Here`s what I`d do if I got a new white car:


Clay with mild clay

Polish with Optimum/green pad or SSR1/green pad or FPII/green pad

FK1 2180

Wait 24 hours


FK1 2180

Wait 24 hours


FK1 Pink Wax

Apply a coat of PW at every wash for the next 2 washes. You should be set for a while then.

04-04-2006, 02:20 PM
Thanks for the advice. :xyxthumbs

I`m still in the process of researching exactly which products I want go with, but these give me some guidelines on what process to use, so I don`t end up buying more than I need right now.

And yeah, I don`t plan on having the dealership do anything as far as "detailing". Since the car will sent to me directly from the dealer (they`re expecting the shipment around mid-April), all they should be doing is a pre-delivery inspection when it comes off the car carrier, and then have the shipping company come and pick it up. It should still have all the plastic on the seats and everything! :D

04-04-2006, 03:00 PM
It should still have all the plastic on the seats and everything! :D

NICE! It`s going to be like unwrapping the largest gift you`ve bought yourself haha.

Have fun man.

04-08-2006, 09:41 AM
Congrats man. Evo`s are sweet. I just finished paying off the largest gift I ever gave myself and man does that feel good.

04-08-2006, 01:04 PM
I would put a few coats of Zaino Z2 on it since it`s brand new. Zaino is so so durable and tough and is perfect for brand new cars... it will protect your brand new paint for at least 6 months. I highly reccomend it.