View Full Version : The Knowledge gained has increased the burden.

04-03-2006, 02:37 PM
So the story begins with me taking my car to the dealership for a recall on an airbag part. After 6 hrs of waiting (promised in 2) i arrive at the dealership and one thing catches my eye immediatly. I have water in the molding in my car. That is when it hit me.....Courtesy car wash..NOOOOOOOOOOo :cry:

I begin to frantically look over the vehicle and come to realize that there are jobs for one armed, blinde people in the world. Waterspots EVERYWHERE, rims have brake dust all over, the water has just seeped out of ever crevase possible and dont get me started on the windows. Images of some guy with a rag he just picked up off the floor to dry (or what they call dry) my car come to my head. :shocked It truly is a sad day.

Funny thing is that pre autopia days i would have been delighted to receive a free car wash. Now im thinking, if you cant wash it correctly why even bother. Now i get to wash my car tomorrow and do it the correct way

Bill D
04-03-2006, 02:41 PM
Yikes! What`s more sad is that is satisfactory to many people. With high end cars too! :think: :wall

D Tailor
04-03-2006, 04:10 PM
yeah I am so with you. my audi dealership does this for every car....part of the "audi service" i told him ` no thanks` and please wear booties and gloves and use mats when working on any car in the family. he`s only slipped once. unfortunately it was two weeks ago. he washed my wife`s car after I spent 3 days detailing it. :bawling:

when my wife freaked with got new polos. :thx

04-03-2006, 08:14 PM
I tape a "No Wash" sign to the headunit on any car I take in for service