View Full Version : Is this a good detail or not?

03-30-2006, 12:43 AM
I did not have use of a PC. There were just some things on the car I could not remove with out a PC and a Polish. Everything was done by hand, mostly.

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/376c7C5Ze3cf3S159aa7d4eFYa9f4661.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=376c7C5Ze3cf3S159aa7d4eFYa9f4661)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/f84aaC999Zc12Sf97c45Ff2f0e4Ge9dc.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=f84aaC999Zc12Sf97c45Ff2f0e4Ge9dc)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/75C06deZdf323Sac2aF18ea07355Z6cb.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=75C06deZdf323Sac2aF18ea07355Z6cb)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/7593Cb6b76Z09Sfe6bd8c6F4c2B6fcbe.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=7593Cb6b76Z09Sfe6bd8c6F4c2B6fcbe)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/06C8fffZee4d2238S0a9bWfb4Ac485d1.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=06C8fffZee4d2238S0a9bWfb4Ac485d1)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/C04b6e1Z1c2df6eS823W59ef0Fb923da.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=C04b6e1Z1c2df6eS823W59ef0Fb923da)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/6a56C41Zc9b026Sfe6W421baWb4d32d5.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=6a56C41Zc9b026Sfe6W421baWb4d32d5)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/3dC1f7Z23b170d9Sa9e758Wb87dC6195.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=3dC1f7Z23b170d9Sa9e758Wb87dC6195)

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/C4c177Zb71da73b3See3W49afS195fd1.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=C4c177Zb71da73b3See3W49afS195fd1)

03-30-2006, 12:46 AM
Before, Before, After, After, After, Before, Before

After. I failed to remove the Bugs, I tried everything. The splats are over a year old.

http://server5.ihostphotos.com/imgt/C1e70ccdd9cZ9S76e304W173Z2701ed4.jpg (http://server5.ihostphotos.com/show.php?id=C1e70ccdd9cZ9S76e304W173Z2701ed4)

03-30-2006, 01:20 AM
Good job. That takes effort by hand. What`s your process?

If you didn`t already, might as well use a glaze to hide some of the things you can`t get out by hand.

03-30-2006, 08:36 AM
Well First I washed it with dawn because it was so dirty and to strip off any wax if there was any left. Then after that I went to work on the hood. I tried Tarminator to remove all the unknow stuff, then I used Vroom APC. Then a claybar and that got most of it off. I did the same for the front gril but with a bug cloth. I used a paint cleaner on the hoodd. After that I washed the rest of the car again with NXT and clayed the roof and trunk. I used Bleach White on the tires 3 times but the tires were stained. Then I used Magic Eraser on the rims. Then I used Black Magic, because it was the only thing I had at the time, on the tires to cover the stains I failed to get of with Bleach white. For up uner the tires and the trim near there I used Vroom APC to really cut the dirt, repeated twice. Then wiped off. Oh yeah, there is not glaze because I did not want to waste AIO on this car, I save it for my Camaro SS. There is NXT Wax because I heard its good at hiding stuff.

This car was not only dirty but had just about every hard to remove substance know. This car was a *****. Also it showed me what not taking care of a car over a few years really does. There are chips in the paint and on the rims and the trim is ruined but hopefully I can do something with Poor boys Trim Restore.

I want to get into detailing and I was doing this project for my website. Before and after but not really sure if this the car I should use. I mean yes its a ton cleaner then before but there are annoying defects I was unable to remove, mostly the bug stains and messed up trim. Do you think I should use it anyways? I feel its kinda pointless to take a super clean car and detail it. Then use it on my website. I wanted to show what I could do to a car thats been abused.

Ben Kenobi
03-30-2006, 08:43 AM
A very nice job Brad. It`s beyond me how people can let a car get this bad, especially a nice Mitsubishi Eclipse! You have done a remarkable turnaround without using a PC. I`d suggest you borrow one and go over the car again. You`ll be amazed at how much better it`ll look. Keep us up to date on your progress. :bigups

03-30-2006, 09:32 AM
BradUF- Sure that`s a good detail :xyxthumbs

If you`re gonna work by hand, you might look into more aggressive polishes that are still user-friendly even without a PC. 1Z comes to mind. Things like those etched-in bug marks are gonna take the same approach as nasty scratches, so it`s good to have a suitable product on hand.

03-30-2006, 10:50 AM
Do you think I should go with Sonus hand polish or is there something better?


Also whats a good paint cleaner, I used Megauriers Deep Crystal Paint cleaner and I am looking for something stronger and easy to apply by hand. Thanks everyone, I am just making sure my work is up to par before I start detailing other peoples cars.

03-30-2006, 10:54 AM
I can`t comment on the Sonus as I haven`t used it. IMO you oughta look for something with abrasives that a) cut pretty well and b) break down when used by hand. That`s why the 1Z stuff came to mind.

The DC#1 is a good cleaner, but that`s all it does- chemically clean the paint. FWIW, I hardly *ever* use paint cleaners, seems like I just reach for clay or a polish (abrasive) every time instead. Of course your AIO is a good cleaner too...

03-30-2006, 09:21 PM
Also have you had any clients with cars worse then this? Not just dirty, but many things that have been stuck on the car for months, or even years. I just want to know because this car took me an entire day to do and I dont think I could do cars this bad on a daily basis, unless they drop there car off here.

03-30-2006, 11:18 PM
I am going to try to restore the trim on the car Friday. I will post pics hopefully by Monday.

03-30-2006, 11:33 PM