View Full Version : Best product to use on Silver/Gray `01 Maxima

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03-28-2006, 10:06 PM
Hi guys. So I know it is kinda easy to make a silver/gray car look decent. I am just looking to add some shine/wetness to my car. I am looking to do this without a PC. I really dont have the $ for one right now and would like to know what are the best products that I can apply by hand to make it look shiny, and wet. I plan to wash and clay of course. Thanks.

03-28-2006, 10:31 PM
If you don`t need any major polishing, the Werkstatt twins, Prime and Acrylic Jett will do a great job for you.

03-28-2006, 10:51 PM
guys could you provide links as well?

I probably need som epolishing but I`ll do it later when I get a PC. I actually have a nasty scratch on the passenger side below the rear bumper. I was backing out of a driveway and hit some electrical box that was "hidden" Thing is its kinda out of the way so I gues that help me a little. Ill take pics later. What sucks is that I just had the bumper re-painted before this happened!

Anyway I` m thinking Klasse AIO, and then Natty Blue on top of that?

Also please suggest things to apply it with. I am going to use the Excel WW towel to dry the car. Could I use their supreme tower to apply the wax/polish, or do I need a foam applicator or something? Thanks guys.

03-28-2006, 11:31 PM
If you don`t need any major polishing, the Werkstatt twins, Prime and Acrylic Jett will do a great job for you.

I too like the prime/AJ combo.


The foam pads that they sell are very nice.

03-28-2006, 11:39 PM
You can never go wrong with Collinite 845. From all the waxes I`ve used, 845 seems to be the most balanced out of all the waxes. It doesn`t exceed, but its on par in just about every catagory.

03-29-2006, 06:09 AM
I am a fan of Four Star Ultimate Paint Protection on silver paint.

03-29-2006, 06:15 AM
I have had great results with Poorboys Ex-P or Four Star UPP.

03-29-2006, 06:20 AM
you probably have the Sterling Mist color, like I did when I had my 03 Maxima....I used Klasse twins on it and she looked brilliant (this was pre-Autopia btw)

now, I`d use Klasse twins followed with 845 and OCW or another carnauba based wax topper followed with OCW

03-29-2006, 07:19 AM
Friday I should be able to post some pics of a silver Ninja..using one of the new Primes.

Untill then I would recommend Prime/AJ/CJ

03-29-2006, 08:51 AM
If you want something real quick and easy, Optimum Car Wax looks killer on silvers/greys/metallics. Spray, spread, wipe and move on.

03-29-2006, 09:01 AM
AIO and SG will do it.

03-29-2006, 08:22 PM
haha I love you guys. Everyone suggesting different products lol.

Yea I have the sterling mist color. Here is another thing though. I will be doing this on my driveway so it will be under the sun. Should this factor in, in anything that Im using? I know poorboys can be used in the sun, but can I Still use these other products?

So Klasse AIO and Natty Blue is out right?

03-29-2006, 08:23 PM
Also guys please dont abbreviate because I dont know all the products by name yet. And also please post links where I can get your recommended product. Thanks everyone for your time.

And what exactly is Klasse Twins, 845 and OCW? Thanks.

03-30-2006, 01:25 AM
If you don`t know the definitions (took me a while) there`s a decoder on the home page, here`s the link:


03-30-2006, 08:51 AM
thanks natebood!

So guys you think the Werkstatt twins will do a good job and having the car look wet? Or Poorboys EX-P? Or Optimum car wax? Again I will be applying in direct sunlight most likely so that is another thing for you guys to consider.

The optimum car wax is the most attractive right now since it is cheaper then the above and seems very easy to apply. But will it provide the same type fo glossy wet look as the above combinations? Also it says I can just spray it and wipe it off. But when does the produc thave time to absorb into the paint? Seems like to good to be true?

and in terms of application foam applicator from werkstatt web site is good? Also can I use the supreme excel mf towels to take off the excess wax? They won`t scratch the paint?