View Full Version : Firm vs soft pads for PC

03-28-2006, 08:00 PM
I just got done experimenting on a black car after I had performed a three step rotary polish on it.

I like firm polishing pads for the PC (like the white SFX or the white Wolfgang ETS from AutoGeek), but have come to the realization that they leave micro-marring (visible when I do black vehicles). I always blamed the polish (which is a factor), but the biggest factor seems to be the pad. Even with a relatively mild polish like FP II and a firm polishing pad on a black vehicle, you can actually see the haziness made up of thousands of little gashes. I found that taking the Propel blue or white pad with FP II leaves a better finish for sure, but the trade-off is reduced aggresiveness and swirl removal ability. With OP and a firm polishing pad, the marring is really pronounced!

03-28-2006, 08:35 PM
I like firmer pads for the PC as well (spin better even with a little pressure; softer ones just jiggle), but I had absolutely no marring problems - especially with OP.

03-28-2006, 08:39 PM
I have some semi-firm Nikota pads and I`ve noticed some micromarring-they work well at eliminating swirls tho-If I use them I follow up with a Megs Yellow pad

03-28-2006, 10:33 PM
I use the firmer pads for swirl and defect removal, then switch to a softer pad for final buffing. I also find that softer, open cell pads like Propels work great for removing oxidation without clogging quickly with dead paint.

03-29-2006, 07:41 AM
Scott...you have a great point on the open cell structure not getting clogged!

Bence...do you ever work next to Halogen lights...because I notice it time and time again when detailing black vehicles. Not to insult your detailing intelligence, as I`m sure you are as good as any of us. Though I can usually tell the difference in glossiness the sun, I have to look real closely with 1,000+ watt halogens to see the micro-marring.

Using one of the more "firm" white polishing pads, of the medium strength polishes I use frequently, I find that SSR 2 leaves he worst micro-marring, followed by Optimum Polish, SFX 2, #9, the FPII. OF course, #9 and FPII are not as strong as the others. Even with soft polishing pads, I notice VERY slight micro-marring with SSR2, OP, and SFX...but not with #9 or FPII. Frankly I think all of these polishes finish down better with a rotary and live a glossier finish, but on black (about half the vehicles I do), but lately I like to touch up with a PC to ensure no chance of halograms showing up...but this is when I started noticing the micro-marring/slight haziness. Like anything, it`s all a trade-off.

03-29-2006, 08:26 AM
I prefer the firmer pads myself, and I mist them with water or QD to "season" them.

03-29-2006, 08:46 AM
Bence...do you ever work next to Halogen lights...because I notice it time and time again when detailing black vehicles. Not to insult your detailing intelligence, as I`m sure you are as good as any of us. Though I can usually tell the difference in glossiness the sun, I have to look real closely with 1,000+ watt halogens to see the micro-marring.

Yes, 2×500W halogens... But I`m working the polishes very slowly.