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03-27-2006, 08:45 PM
I just ordered the new Werkstatt products. I will give some info hopefully next week.


03-27-2006, 08:49 PM
:hairpull Now I have to spend more money!

Based on my results with the Werkstatt products I have already used, I imagine I`ll be quite happy. Prime Stong and Carnauba are the two I am most interested in. I need to order more AJ soon, probaby just do it all at once.

Definitely interested in what you have to say about them. :)

03-27-2006, 08:58 PM
Scott, What do you think that strong will provide over standard prime? Have you used standard prime under CJ? I think I would prefer to use standard prime, a coat or two of AJ then CJ rather then PC and CJ. It should last longer I would think. I guess if you only wanted CJ on your car then thats where PC comes in.

03-27-2006, 09:01 PM
Prime: Strong can address light marring and swirling more effectively than Prime, yet the polishing agents--though stronger--are still gentle enough for regular use. It makes a beautiful, easy hand polish for those without machine polishers, and it works quite well as a chrome polish and sealant.

WOO!! Gentle enough for regular use?! Does this mean we can get rid of our wash induced marring once a month? Anyone ever talk to Jeff about specifically how safe this is to use regularly? Sounds very interesting!!

03-27-2006, 09:04 PM
I will try them all ( got the Trigger AJ too). But the Prime Strong (WPS?) has my interest more.. a little cutting power sounds good.

03-27-2006, 09:08 PM
I will try them all ( got the Trigger AJ too). But the Prime Strong (WPS?) has my interest more.. a little cutting power sounds good.

Looking fwd to your reviews!!!

03-27-2006, 09:08 PM
I never asked what exactly he meant by "regular". But I will.

One thing he did let me know is, the new Primes were born out of customer requests and feedback. So we at least know somebody does listen to what we want instead of telling us what we need. ( That doesnt sound harsh does it)

03-27-2006, 09:09 PM
I just emailed the product support to see if I can get an answer to how frequent Prime Strong can be used. It would be great for getting rid of any wash induced marring, especially if it is very mild as to not cause harm to the clearcoat.

03-27-2006, 10:06 PM
Scott, What do you think that strong will provide over standard prime? Have you used standard prime under CJ? I think I would prefer to use standard prime, a coat or two of AJ then CJ rather then PC and CJ. It should last longer I would think. I guess if you only wanted CJ on your car then thats where PC comes in.

I am hoping Prime Strong will save me a polishing step. Currently, with regular Prime, I still need to polish out any light defect first.

I have used Prime under CJ and while it looks really good, it seems a little `bright`. I am hoping that the carnauba version will accentuate the darkening of the paint you get with CJ.

03-27-2006, 11:06 PM
I am hoping Prime Strong will save me a polishing step. Currently, with regular Prime, I still need to polish out any light defect first.

I have used Prime under CJ and while it looks really good, it seems a little `bright`. I am hoping that the carnauba version will accentuate the darkening of the paint you get with CJ.

Very good!

I suppose prime strong would be very nice for wheels too.

03-28-2006, 09:17 AM
[quote name=`Scottwax`]I am hoping Prime Strong will save me a polishing step. Currently, with regular Prime, I still need to polish out any light defect first.

That would be nice to save people a step. my results have been great with their product. as said before, it is nice that they are willing to produce a product that is geared toward more versatility.

03-28-2006, 11:41 AM
Well I recieved a response back today from Jeff:

" Hi Josh,

Thank you for contacting the Werkstatt. We appreciate your interest in our new products.

The new Prime: Strong was designed to be more aggressive than Prime in correcting paint defects such as minor hazing, buffer marks, and swirl marks. Of course, this will be dependent on the hardness of the paint, the extent of the marring, and how the Prime is applied (hand or machine). For Strong, we selected a milder version of the light abrasive often employed in final finishing polishes, and so it can often eliminate the need for a separate final polish. For severe marring, you would still want to use a more abrasive, dedicated swirl mark polish first.

On a vehicle that has already had major imperfections corrected, Prime: Strong can help maintain a clear, mar-free surface. While it could be used every week, our idea of "regular use" was more like every 2-4 months, at every detailing session, if needed. We always recommend that the least aggressive path be taken first, and that the condition of the paint should always dictate the product choices. If wash-induced marring is significant enough to be noticable after a week, the best plan of action would be to try to improve wash technique to prevent marring. It also could become quite a chore to polish the vehicle that frequently!

Bottom line: yes, it would be safe to use often, depending on how your paint responds to it, but it is always better to use any abrasive containing polish--even a mild one like Strong--more infrequently by preventing marring instead.

If you have any other questions or need clarification, please feel free to reply to this message.

Happy Detailing!

JEFFS Werkstatt Product Development Team "

Sounds like this is going to be a great product for those of who want to clear up minor marring from washing once every month or two! Cant wait to try it out!

Setec Astronomy
03-28-2006, 12:37 PM
Sounds like this is going to be a great product for those of who want to clear up minor marring from washing once every month or two! Cant wait to try it out!

As Jeff alluded to, if you are getting enough wash-induced marring to have to polish every month or two, I think you need to review your wash technique. Plenty of threads on here.

03-28-2006, 01:03 PM
Maybe Im just too anal about the minor marring I get - It isnt alot at all, can only see minor marring when the sun hits it just right. Currently I use a chenille wash mit, cover the car in foam, then aim the foam gun right in front of the path of my mitt and follow it closely. Then I rinse the section and move onto the next, the maint thing I need to fix is my pressure being applied to the mitt. I also tried accumulators method of the mitt balloon, but it didn`t quite work for me, I rinse my mitt every panel or 2 and work from top to bottom, I`ll try to get a picture in the sun if I can, I should probably just live with the marring and be thankful it isnt heavy/hazy and lots of swirling.

03-30-2006, 09:58 AM
It`s always nice to hear that Jeff or any manufacturer actually listens to product improvement ideas/suggestions.

Just curious as to who actually asked for some of the tweaked Prime formulations, etc. It seems that the Werkstatt products wouldn`t be widely known to Joe public. Was it anybody from the forum?