View Full Version : Is SSR1 needed for anything?

03-27-2006, 03:45 PM
Have a scratch on wife`s car`s hood. Used ssr 2.5, but didn`t work very well, so I used rubbing compound, which wore the scratch (its not to the metal, but still deep) down so it is much less visible unless you look at it from a certain angle. After that the area was very hazy and scratched up so I used the ssr 2.5 again on speed 5, and that cleaned it right up.

You can`t tell the difference in the paint from where I rubbed then used the ssr 2.5 and where I didn`t do anything, so is the ssr 1 even necessary, or is more of just a prep for the nattys as AIO preps for SG. BTW, I cleaned some light scuffs on my silver honda with the ssr2.5 and again noticed no need for the ssr 1 from what I didn`t polish. I use AIO and SG after this and see no need for the ssr 1. Is it really necessary? I bought it, but still have yet to use it. Thanks :confused:

03-27-2006, 06:40 PM
On silver any hazing that ssr 2.5 leaves would be hard or in some cases impossible to see but on a dark color you may see hazing that ssr1 can remove.

I just did a dark blue with ssr 2. Its a car that I`ve done before and normally I just go from ssr 2 to AIO but this time I had a little hazing on the hood. SSR 1 removed all hazing.

03-27-2006, 06:44 PM
leaves an awesome finish after heavy buffing with 2.5

03-27-2006, 09:33 PM
I haven`t found a use for it yet, but I don`t think I`ve experienced a situation where it was really needed yet. SSR 2.5 finishes out so nicely I just don`t every have to use the SSR 1.

03-28-2006, 07:08 AM
leaves an awesome finish after heavy buffing with 2.5

I agree -- but really depends on the color. On my black car I can see some slight hazy after using 2.5 but after 1.0 is clear and deep. On my silver car seems to be LSP ready after 2.5 but I still like to do a quick once over with 1.0.

04-01-2006, 09:56 PM
I always follow 2.5 with 1, followed by RMG.

On colors like bright red, dark red, black, etc. I do find it necessary to use the 1 to eliminate all micro marks. I could probably stay with the 2.5 a little longer and get *nearly* the same results, I just prefer to move on to the 1.

On colors like white or silver, I don`t necessarily use the 1 at all. Silver especially, unless you want to be ultra picky.

04-02-2006, 07:55 AM
On black cars you can usually tell a difference between where just 2.5 was used and 2.5 followed by 1. On any other color I have never noticed a discernable difference however.