View Full Version : Question ab out extracting with Rigid Vac

03-25-2006, 02:26 AM
I got this Vacuum 5gal/5hp. I also bought the car accessory kit. So which adapter do you guys use to "extract" the mats? Do you use the actual water adapter or something, or just the crevice tool? Thanks in advance.

03-25-2006, 06:31 AM
I would use the tool that is slightly curved with about a 3 inch opening that you would use for vacing matts anywhay.

03-25-2006, 07:26 AM
On mats I take them out and vacuum real good, soak with soap for a few, scrub, hose off let dry

03-25-2006, 10:15 AM
which tool is that? IS that the tool that comes with the original vac? Now when you guys say soak to you mean you listerally spill the APC solution on the mats? Is spraying the mat all over not a good way to do this? Still would like to know what attachments you guys use for what.

03-25-2006, 12:58 PM
I just you the big hose and the tool that came with the vac. Very rarely do I use the smaller hose, unless I`m trying to get into some really tight areas.

03-26-2006, 10:31 AM
For mats, after vacuuming, I wet them with the hose first, then spray or pour (if the staining is REALLY bad) my 1:10 Castrol APC solution onto the stained areas. Then I bust out my stiff nylon brush and scrub till the stain goes away. Hose it down with water and scrub some more if necessary (recent bad weather = really dirty floormats). Keep shooting it down until the suds go away, then extract with the Little Green (which I think has less pulling power than your Ridgid). Whatever flat attachment you have should work fine.