View Full Version : Need advice on time sensitive multi step detail

03-24-2006, 11:52 AM
Hello autopians.

Due to living in an apartment and having an extremely tight schedule, I find it almost impossible to give my 2005 berlina black S2000 a proper detailing. However, this Saturday, I think I`ll have a few hours to give it some attention and I want to maximize the number of steps I can put in given the short time.

Here`s my plan given that the paint is in relatively good shape with wash induced micro marring and slight swirling being the worst defects:


-QEW and clay(30 minutes)

Polish and glaze (1 hour)

-FP via sonus das green (entire car w/o wiping haze)

-VM via sonus das blue (remove w/ MF)

Wax and seal (30 mins)

-IW via sonus black

-remove w/ OCW via MF

Do you think that there will be any problems applying VM directly over the IP haze? My main concern is that Honda paint is very soft and I might cause more micro marring.

Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated. :thx

03-24-2006, 11:57 AM

I would advise against trying to accomplish all that in 2 hours, unless you are used to doing that.

However since you are asking, it sounds like you don`t have the experience to do a 2 hour detail. And again, I`d wait for a time when you`d have a bigger time slot.

If you simply do not have that time, other than hiring a detailer... find a friend to help you. They can split your wash and clay time if you guys split the car. And he or she can help you wipe off excess product while you polish and seal.

And lastly, I see a big problem applying anything over unremoved hazed product.

03-24-2006, 12:15 PM
You will need more time to do the job properly

03-24-2006, 12:18 PM
Thanks for the advice gtbaka. I figure I may be biting off more than I can chew as my last full detail using IP, FP, and IW took about 4 hours.

I agree with you about the applying product over haze. I wonder if putting 50/50 of FP and VM on the same green pad would work. I assume that since VM doesn`t really dry it may cause the FP to not break down.

In the alternative I guess I could just QEW, clay, FP, and OCW in the same amount of time but it`s hard fighting the autopian urge to use the maximum number of products/steps per detail.

Thanks again.