View Full Version : Overspray?

03-23-2006, 03:06 PM
I need some help with removing overspray on a bimmer. It is on plastic, and that is the problem. It is a 2001 330ci and the past owner must have done something, but now there is some silver overspray under the grill on the BLACK car!!! I tried Meguiars clay bar and all that, and it works fine and dandy for metal, but it worked like crap for this. Does anyone know how to remove overspray on plastic without screwing up the black paint beneath? Even if it gets a little dulled, as long as it`s still black.


03-23-2006, 04:18 PM
I have 97 m3 and my mouldings are plastic...I always forget what type of plastic the e46`s have on them. At any rate, why dont you yank the plastic off and use paint thinner?

Mmm..Dunno just an idea

03-23-2006, 05:00 PM
How about something like Wax Blaster and a small plastic putty knife?

No progress with the clay? I`ve had luck with making a few passes and exerting some elbow grease. I`m always very hesitant since I`ve actually gone through the texture (and dye) on a piece of trim.

03-24-2006, 06:22 AM
How about something like Wax Blaster and a small plastic putty knife?

No progress with the clay? I`ve had luck with making a few passes and exerting some elbow grease. I`m always very hesitant since I`ve actually gone through the texture (and dye) on a piece of trim.

Believe me, I was out there for 30 min. trying to get it off with the clay. I know I did it right, because I got a little mark out of the metal no problem. If I put any more elbow grease into this, then my arm would`ve probably fell off.

Do you think it would be safe using either of these ideas? I don`t want to damage the plastic underneath too much, if it is dulled a little then that is no problem, but I want it to keep it`s color.

Thanks for the replies :)