View Full Version : Need help deciding on which products to use (lots of pictures)

03-21-2006, 12:38 PM
Hey everybody. New autopia.org addict here, great board you have. Been reading non-stop the past few days and have a few questions about how aggressive to get with the polish/pads on my first time putting the PC 7424 to my car (or any car). I’ve been claying (Mothers), polishing (Meguiars Step2), Z2’ing since my car was new by hand.

I have some light swirls and a few scratches I would like to take car of. My plan is to purchase the PC 7424 kit with the DAS pads. I want to use the Green pad with SFX-2 then follow that up with the Blue pad and SFX-3, finally topping with Z2. Does this sound like a good game plan (based on the pictures I have provided below)? Is there any reason I should step up to the SFX pads (from what I understand they are more aggressive)?

The hood has been painted and installed back in October. I think I’ll skip the SFX-2 step just on the hood since there is really nothing to ‘fix’.

The white dots on the car is just dust. All the scratches cannot be felt with your fingernail (except for the 2nd picture).

I really need to buy a gas door bib


Rock scraps thrown up from the tires


I hate people who leave fliers in your windshield. Hand polishing never got this out


My fault (from working on the engine)




Just some overall shots




and of course a classic posting staple:


03-21-2006, 06:58 PM
Note: The following probably won`t be helpful with regard to picking products :o

That`s a nice looking car, hope you don`t get all stressed about making it "perfect".

Some of those scratches look like maybe you oughta think twice about taking them out...at least by PC.

The way to make a PC aggressive is to use 4" pads. You oughta be a little careful if you go that route. Better to say "good enough" than to say "I need an esitmate for some paintwork" ;)

Nah, you don`t need a bib. IMO it`d just a) give a false sense of security and b) might mar the paint in and of itself anyhow. I`d just be extra careful at every fillup.

03-22-2006, 06:43 AM
Hey, thanks for helping me get more realistic in my expecations. I realize I don`t need to get too aggressive at all.

I would still like to get the PC just to make my detailing day go quicker. Do you think using a finishing pad with lets say a light polish (SFX2) would work ok? Then move to SFX3 on a finishing pad?

03-22-2006, 05:13 PM
In a word, I`d say yes, probably. Those scratches look like they will *mostly* come out. If you look for them, you will still be able to see them, but like accumulator said, better that than need a paintwork estimate. My car looked like that last summer, and the PC was definately worth the time and effort. Looked 1000x better, especially since it is black. You product choice sounds good though. Maybe want to use SFX3 on a light polishing pad though instead of a finishing pad. THe only time I ever use my finishing pad is for applying a sealant. Hope this helps.