View Full Version : AIO/Alternatives

05-14-2003, 10:41 PM
I lost a bet at bowling tonight, got beat last game 204-248 by my friends father. I have to detail his brand new black 2003 BMW 330ci. I was wondering any suggestions, the car only has around 5K on it, and has been to the drive thru car wash around 5 times already, i want to make this look nice. I have been considering ordering AIO, but was wondering any other suggestions on what to finish it off with besides the normal UPP that everyone else around here uses. I want to make a good impression on him, and possibly pick up a monthly job or two out of it, hes got some money, and would be willing to pay me decent money to do his car. Any suggestions, help, advice. This is what I had so far:
1. Wash, and dray thorough
2. clay the whole car
3. polish, very lightly with orbital buffer
4. apply wax.

Any suggestions on steps or products would be great/

05-14-2003, 11:13 PM
1. Wash, and dray thorough
If you are going to clay the car, the thorough drying is probably not needed.

2. clay the whole car

3. polish, very lightly with orbital buffer
Are you trying to remove swirls? If not, AIO can be applied by hand or with an orbital. It is so easy to use that applying it with a machine almost seems like overkill.
If you are trying to remove swirls, then a good orbital will help immensely. I happen to use Meguiar`s #9 Swirl Remover, but there are lots of SMR products available.

4. apply wax.
The AIO/UPP is a great combination, but since you seem to want to use something else, AIO/S100 looks great, too. You might even want to consider using AIO/Klasse SG. I think you will find that the UPP is much easier to use than SG. Just wipe it on, (thin coat), let it dry for 30 to 45 minutes and wipe it off. The SG seems to sometimes be a little more difficult to use.

05-14-2003, 11:29 PM
thanks for the reply. I havent seen the car yet, but I know since he got the car, about 2 months ago, he has bought it to the drive thru about 5 times, so Im figuring on some minor swirls, very noticeable on a brand new metallic black BMW. Im gonna order the AIO/UPP. Gotta see it for myself. Thanks again

05-15-2003, 09:00 AM
you might want to see the car first, you might need a swirl remover before that combo, AIO has mild cleaning capabilities. For black I like 3M SMR for Dark Cars. AIO to UPP is great, also the UPC is good before UPP (cheaper also).

05-15-2003, 09:40 AM
200 plus..wow..im not bowling against you..

1st time vehicle...
Swirl Remover
AIO -can remove right away
UPP - wait an hour os so..
Put another coat after 12 hours...

Swirl remover
Machine Glaze
S100 or Souvran (Souvran looks great on dark vehicles..)

What color is it?

05-15-2003, 12:44 PM
thanks for the replies, Im really not that good a bowler, my average is 180. THe car is in perfect shape, but there are swirls from the auto car wash, i think I will add a step with swirl remover before the aio/upp, this will be perfect. The car is metallic black BTW.