View Full Version : SG + Souveran on red paint

03-15-2006, 07:53 AM
First off, thanks so much to this site and everyone on here - I`ve learned tons and now I`m actually *excited* to detail my car :)

I have a red car which needs a little bit of work - I`m planning on removing the swirls with SSR2.5 + 1, cleaning with AIO and then putting 2-3 layers of SG on it. I plan on topping it with 2 coats of Souveran.

1. What I`m worried about is that this car spends quite a bit of time outdoors. Am I wasting my time using Souveran? Should I be looking for something with a bit more protection? Or will the durability of SG make up for it? I want this car to wow people with its paint, but I also want good protection from the sun.

2. Also, will the Souveran look good on top of SG? Or will the wetness be dulled out by the SG?

I`d love to get my car looking like this:


cheers and thanks in advance,


03-15-2006, 08:28 AM
1. What I`m worried about is that this car spends quite a bit of time outdoors. Am I wasting my time using Souveran? Should I be looking for something with a bit more protection? Or will the durability of SG make up for it? I want this car to wow people with its paint, but I also want good protection from the sun.

2. Also, will the Souveran look good on top of SG? Or will the wetness be dulled out by the SG?

cheers and thanks in advance,


1. Depends on how often you want to reapply the Souveran. As it is a true beauty wax, it will not last very long when exposed to the outdoors often. Souveran is not known for its protective qualities, and that is not why people buy the wax. So, if you want to reapply every few weeks, go for it. SG will give you plenty of durability, it`s just the look of the Souveran on top will not last long outdoors. You might also look into Natty`s Blue or Trade Secret wax, which give nearly the same look with better durability.

2. Souveran (or any good wax) on top of SG is a time-tested combination. Provided the proper prep work is done, it should look fantastic and will not be dulled at all.

Hope this helps

03-15-2006, 08:44 AM
Thanks Mike, I`m going to order some Natty`s Blue as well - it`s much cheaper. I`m wondering now if the Souveran was a waste. Has anyone topped NB with Souveran?


03-15-2006, 09:31 AM
Souveran is never a waste, in my opinion. The look it provides is truely amazing. Your products & process looks to be a real winner for your red paint! NB topped with Souveran is a shweeeeet carnauba combo as well.

03-16-2006, 07:18 AM
That`s what I`ll do then :) I`ll see how the car looks with 2x SG topped with NB. After that I`ll top with Souveran. What I`m worried about is since the NB will outlast the Souveran, will the Souveran start to haze once it`s done? Also how do I reapply the Souveran over the NB once it has reached it`s end? Do I need to AIO again an start from scratch? Or can I just keep applying overtop of "dead" wax? Will that achieve the same results?
